5. We only met each other just the other day

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Jisung's POV

'Cause I know what you like boy

You're my chemical hype boy

내 지난날들은 눈 뜨면 잊는 꿈

Hype boy 너만 원해

Hype boy 내가 전해

I got snapped out of my sleep from my alarm. I groaned and reached out for my phone on my small night table next to my bed to check the time. I slowly sat up on my bed and stretched, arching my back and spreading my arms.

I rubbed my eyes before I just sat there again for 4 minutes. I then got up and went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I went back into my room to change out of my pyjamas into baggy jeans and, something actually not unusual for me, a grey, kind of cropped, long-sleeved top, and for shoes some black boots. I checked myself in the mirror and adjusted my hair, then grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"You look like a girl," said my mom's voice as I went into the kitchen. I just slightly rolled my eyes, my tone annoyed, "Okay?"

" 'Okay'?" She laughed in disbelief as she raised her eyebrows. "You're not wearing that." She continued. "I'm wearing whatever I want. I neither have the time nor energy to argue right now." I said, heading out of the kitchen to the front door.

"You stay right here, young man! You're not leaving until you changed your top at least!" My mom shouted, following me. I hastily grabbed my keys, opened the door and slammed it behind me.

My bag only hanging on my right shoulder, I made it to the bus stop right before the bus arrived. I sat down on my usual seat and let out a sigh. I already put my bag on the floor, since Minho would get in at the next stop.

I put one of my earbuds in, and soon I felt a presence next to me. I looked up and was greeted by Minho. "Hi" he said, of course with that smile. "Hi" I said, smiling as well. I automatically handed him my other earbud, and he didn't hesitate to take it.

The ride was smooth, and we were already at school. We got out and went into the school, heading towards my locker, Minho following close behind me.

I could feel his gaze piercing through my side. I didn't look at him, but I suppose he was taking my small frame in.

I opened my locker and put some of my unnecessary stuff away. As usual, I hear someone running towards me from behind. But this time, I didn't fall or anything. I turned around and saw Felix standing in front of me, his jaw dropped.

"Mate, you look damn good!" Felix said, motioning to my top. I looked down at my top, then back up at Felix with a smile on my face. "Thanks!" I said.

"Hello to you as well, Felix" Minho said with a sarcastic tone. Felix perked up and looked over to Minho. "Oh my god, sorry! Hi Minho!" Felix said, waving like a child. I chuckled at Felix' childish behavior, covering my smile with my right hand.

"Alright, let's go to class." I said, breaking a short silence. "Yup, I'll head to art!" said Felix, but before he could leave I learned forward to whisper. "Thanks for the cheesecake yesterday." I smiled and squinted my eyes to look silly. Felix giggled and leaned in closer, copying my expression. "It was just a make up, but you're welcome." We both laughed and I slightly pushed him away.

"Shoo, shoo, you'll be late." I said, slightly mockingly, waving my hands. Felix chuckled and turned away and walked off. I turn to Minho and notice that he's still staring at my torso. Unwantedly, I feel my cheeks heat up. I look down to my feet, and I feel Minho smirking.

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