6. Falling for each other (in two ways)

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[3rd person POV]

Right now Jisung was at Felix's house, sitting in his room on the floor across from each other. They did homework, well, at least Felix did. Jisung could not concentrate a single bit. Felix noticed this and decided to question the older about it. "Jisung? You okay? This whole time you've been zoned out and mumbling things under your breath.." Felix asked, some slight concern in his tone.

Jisung shook his head to get back to reality, his gaze darting over to his friend. "You won't believe this." He said. He grabbed Felix's hands and held them in his. The younger seemed a little confused, yet he was ready for anything Jisung would say. The older started to whisper. "I had my first kiss." Felix somehow managed to slip one of his hands out of Jisung's grip to cover his dropped jaw. "You did not!" Felix exclaimed, only for Jisung to answer with a nod, indicating a 'yes I did'.

Felix jumped up and started to run around his room with a bright smile on his face while quietly screaming. Jisung sat there, giggling while admiring his sunshine friend. Felix came to a stop in front of Jisung and took both his hands. He helped him up and started bouncing up and down in a joyful manner. Jisung followed along and couldn't help but laugh. He could only be this happy around Felix.

"You don't even wanna know who it was?" Jisung asked while giggling, both still bouncing and holding each other's hands. "Who else could it be than Minho?!" Felix said, his bright smile never leaving his face. Felix was right, it couldn't be anyone else. Jisung was out of breath and stopped, dropping himself down on the younger's bed. Felix joined him after some seconds. "You're so lucky." He said, turning his head to the left to look at Jisung.

"Am I?" Jisung asked, now also turning his head to lock eyes with Felix. "Yes you are! Just think about it! You only met like a few days ago!" Felix stated, Jisung turning his head back, so he was looking at the ceiling. "You're right.. I am lucky!" Jisung said, giggling. It was silent for a minute or two, then Jisung remembered he didn't tell Seungmin he would take a day off. "Shit! I gotta text Seungmin I'm not coming today!" Jisung said, grabbing his phone from his pocket.

Hey Minnie!!

I might be taking a day off today..
I'm really sorry!!

Oh, hey Jisung!

Why's that??

Well.. I haven't done anything with my friends
for a while, I thought I could maybe go hang
out with them today? We'd be going inline skating

Ahh I see

Well, we can make an exception today!!

Omg thank you minnie I love you
so much!!

No problem!! We all have to take
a break sometime, don't we? ╥﹏╥


Will you post about it???

There's no hangout with friends that
I wouldn't post!!

great!! Can't wait to see it
(๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و

Alright have a great day!! :33

Enjoy your time!! ><

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