7. Protective much?

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[3rd Person POV]

Just another ordinary school day, Jisung gave Minho his earbud on the bus and they went to school together. Jisung went up to his locker again, doing the usual. What is unusual though, no Felix in sight. Jisung looked around, searching for him, but he isn't there. "What's wrong?" Minho asks, looking at the younger's concerned face. "Felix isn't here." Jisung responded before taking out his phone to message the younger.


(delivered, 7:36am)

Are you okayyyy????

Why're you not at school??


Not feeling too well today o(╥﹏╥)

caught a cold yesterday i guess

Oh nooo

( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)

It's so empty without you

I feel lonely

is Minho there???

he is

but it's not the same without you °~°

i'll be back next week!!

it's friday anyway


hold on mom just got me

gotta go!!!

have fun at school on your
own :P

you're lucky i love you


and get well soon _(:3 」∠)_




Jisung put his phone back in his pocket and sighed. "He's sick." He mumbled while pouting his lips. "Don't be sad, you have me." Minho said, putting his hand on the younger's shoulder in a comforting manner. Jisung giggled, and he couldn't deny that Minho was right. "Your laugh is cute." Minho complimented with a smile, catching the younger off guard as his cheeks heated up, flushing his face with a bright pink color up to his ears. Jisung muttered a small 'thanks' and just then, the bell rang. "We're gonna be late!" Jisung said before he started to quickly walk off, Minho following close behind.

Luckily they still made it on time, and they sat down next to each other on the very place they first met. Well, it's not that long ago, but it feels like they've known each other since forever. The teacher entered and the class went silent as he started the lesson.

About 45 minutes passed, and only the nerds were paying attention to the teacher by now. Some were on their phones, others were resting their head on the table, and the rest was talking to their deskmates. Minho and Jisung were one of them, talking back and forth. "By the way, why don't you come with your motorcycle to school? Isn't it annoying to ride the bus?" Jisung questioned, resting his chin on his hand. "My mom said it's too dangerous and people could steal it, and I don't really like having that much attention on me. Sure it's cool, but don't want the girls swooning over me. That would be so annoying as a..not so straight guy." Minho replied, making the younger chuckle quietly at the last sentence. "Yeah, makes sense." "I'll go to the restroom real quick." Minho said before Jisung nodded and he stood up and left the classroom after excusing himself from the teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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