4. Brothers

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Felix' POV

After Jisung told me he'll go to the toilet before chemistry and I should go ahead, I dashed out of the cafeteria. I headed towards the classroom and entered.

I sat down where me and Jisung sat yesterday, in the middle row about on the middle table. I waited and waited, but Jisung just didn't show up.

Before I knew it, the teacher entered the classroom. "Alright class, take out your homework please!" He said after clearing his throat.

I looked around the classroom, and I didn't see Changbin as well. Damn, where is everyone? I wondered, but got snapped out of my thoughts from someone bursting in the classroom. Of course, everyone lay their eyes on the person, it was Changbin.

"Hey, sorry for being late, I forgot my things in my locker and had to literally rush to the other side of the building." He apologized, surprisingly not out of breath. What have I thought, he exercises after all. "Okay, Changbin, I'll let it slide this time, but make sure to be on time next time. Take your seat." The teacher said, gesturing towards the class.

Changbin first looked to the place where he usually sits, but it was already taken. Since Jisung didn't show up, the seat next to me was free, so I waved at Changbin, gesturing that he could sit next to me. He saw me and instantly smiled as he approached the table. He sat down, exclaiming a small "Thanks".

"Alright guys, focus!" The teacher said with a louder voice so he would get attention and quiet everyone down.

Changbin leaned closer to me to whisper something. "Doesn't your friend usually sit here?" I looked up from my textbook. "Oh, yeah. He does, but he skipped today I guess." I replied, whispering as well. "He left you here alone? What a bad friend" He joked. "Well, I'm assuming he's just getting revenge on me, since I sometimes also don't show up when I say I'll do" Changbin chuckled a little.

"Changbin and Felix! Hush! First you come late Changbin and now you disturb my lesson? Last chance!" The teacher pointed at us. Everyone either just giggled or laughed.

The time moved faster than I thought, and the bell rang to the end of the school day. Changbin invited me over to his, to just hang out. He told me to wait infront of the school gates.

I felt a pat on my shoulder, which I assumed would be Changbin. "My brother will be picking us up, okay?" He said with a smile on his face, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "Yup!" I replied, sending him a smile as well.

After some moments, a black sports car stopped in front of us. I turn to Changbin slightly confused. "Oh god. He didn't really show up with this car, did he?" Changbin exclaimed, sighing.

The window rolled down, a male with silver-ish long hair, half tied up appeared behind it. The male looked at me, then at Changbin. "First Minho, now you? You guys really are some playboys, I see"

Did he just say Minho? Isn't that.. Like our new friend? Ain't no way he would somehow be related with Changbin or this guy. It must be some coincidence. I got snapped out of my thoughts from Changbin saying my name, gesturing for me to get in.

I got in an buckled my seatbelt, Changbin got in next to me. I assumed he didn't want to look mean if he'd get in on the front.

"I guess I should already introduce myself, since you're going to see me a lot. I'm Hyunjin." The male said, smiling. "Oh, Hi!! I'm Felix!" I said excitedly, since I love meeting new people. "Nice to meet Changbin's future boyfriend" Hyunjin joked, but he also sounded serious. I blushed away and hid my face with my hands, Changbin just told Hyunjin to shut up and drive already.

The drive was quite long, we were already almost on the city-side of Seoul, but not really, like between city and country. The car stopped in front of a penthouse-like house. It was big, it had a fountain in front of it and from what I've seen, a pretty big garden.

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