A meeting with My Lord

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Roman Walks into MrRollins2's office... And MrRollins2 was NOT in the Mood for anything Roman had to say.

MrRollins2: Roman... You my friend, Are a Fucking idiot!

Roman: Me!?! Why me?!

MrRollins2: Shut The Fuck Up!! Yesterday has Proven Exactly what everyone's been saying about you for months. Without anybody in your corner, You're just A Pussy! We can't have that in this group!

Roman: I'll take care of him next t-

MrRollins2: There IS no "Next Time", There's, "You're Fired!!" Now Piss off before I Make you.

Roman Turns around to walk away.

Roman: You know what? No! No!! I'm not going anywhere! I'M the Tri-

MrRollins2 uses the glove to Teleport Roman Far away.

MrRollins2: Good Riddance.

All of a sudden, He hears a voice calling for him.

MrRollins2: My Lord.

???: Am I correct in assuming that Roman has Failed?

MrRollins2: ..... Yes my Lord.

???: That's too bad. But I assume you have a New plan.

MrRollins2: of course I do Sir.

???: And what of your new Council?

MrRollins2: I just got word that they're on their way right now.

???: Now, Does this mean that you'll be getting Rid of the Others Except for CHR & C_F?

MrRollins2: No. Roman is definitely out. But I've been able to make some progress with the others. The Fortune Chicken has also been very helpful on training us. And the orb of power is Giving us extra strength every minute we have it.

???: Good, the more powerful you become the chances are they’ll be out of your league, I believe in you. We Shall be meeting again.

MrRollins2: Yes Sir!

The voice eventually leaves, And immediately the door opens.

Io: Who are you talking to?

MrRollins2: None of your business. Now make yourself useful and Get CHR in here.

Cody.CHR walks into the room.

Cody.CHR: Already here Bro.

MrRollins2: Io, Get out.

Io leaves the two Antis Alone.

MrRollins2: I just spoke with HIM.

Cody.CHR: What'd he have to say?

MrRollins2: We're getting some new teammates Tomorrow. I need you to be ready.

Cody.CHR: You got it dude.

End of Chapter

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