Joe Marshall vs. Negative Pierce

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Negative MrRollins2: Now... Before I'm done with You... Despair. What a thought that you fools ever thought to Defy me!!

Joe Jumps up to his Flying Doppelganger and Starts fighting him.

Negative MrRollins2 Dodges almost all of Joe's attacks.

Negative MrRollins2: Nice try.

He Taps Joe with his PINKIE and That launches Joe back to the ground.

Chloe: Joe!

Negative MrRollins2: What now, Joe? Shall you remain cowering down there even in your final moments?

Joe Gets up, only to be grabbed by MrRollins2.

MrRollins2 flies both of them to the sky.

Negative MrRollins2: Sayonara!

He THROWS Joe 60+ stories To the ground.

Negative MrRollins2: So long buddy!! Muahahah!!!

Joe Then starts glowing bright White

He transforms too, His Clothes are white, his eyes were Glowing bright blue, and his speed increases to Maximum.

He Zips and zooms around His Nemesis and with his upgraded speed, he delivers extremely fast Strikes.

Negative MrRollins2: BUZZ OFF!!

He tries Swatting Joe away, but again, nothing.

Joe then grabs MrRollins2's Arm and Threw him to the ground.

Negative MrRollins2: I'll Crush all of you!!!

The Two charged at each other with intensity when all of a sudden....

Joe Pulls out the orb of power, Sucking away all the power from MrRollins2, turning him back to normal.

BAM!!! Joe with one final kick to MrRollins2's head, knocking him down.

Joe turns back to normal, Then uses the orb of power to destroy the death Ray and closes the black hole.

Joe: Your Armagedon.... Is over.

Suddenly a portal opens up, Sucking in The Fortune Chicken and the orb.

Joe's Look finally gets back to normal rather than a glitchy mess.

Joe: And one more thing.

He takes the Wattpad glove away from His doppelganger.

MrRollins2: This.... Isn't.... Over.... My Lord, WILL get his vengeance....

He was teleported away.

Chloe: Where'd he go?

Joe: It doesn't matter.

Dario: When he comes back, we'll be ready for him.

Cody: and whoever this "Lord" is, We'll be ready for him too.

BD Roman: And you'll be united.

Joe nods.

Joe: For now, Let's all go home and celebrate.

Mysterious Area...

MrRollins2 was in the dark waiting for his Lord.

???: Pierce....

MrRollins2: Forgive me, Master.... I have failed you.

???: Wrong.

MrRollins2: ... What?

???: On the contrary... You have not failed.

MrRollins2: I don't.... I don't understand.

???: Whether Those fools Know it or not, They're exactly where we want them. Soon, You and the Rest of My minions will succeed in Taking over the entire Multiverse.

MrRollins2 realizes what he means and does a giant evil laugh!


The End!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story.

This has got to be One of the most epic stories I've written with Pierce and I'm glad you guys enjoyed. Now There's one more thing.

Tomorrow I've got a bit of an Announcement, See you all then.

MrRollins2's Armageddon (OC Book)Where stories live. Discover now