[2] Eternal Dungeon [2]

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SONG: Eternal Dungeon - OMORI
OR: First Years can be pretty sucky, can't they?

It was kind of strange, being third years now.

Everyone looked up to you, both students and teachers alike all had a ton of expectations for behaviour and academic skills.

However, Kamiyama was just a different breed. More specifically, the oddballs 1, 2/ weirdo wombo combo existed.

Tsukasa and Rui, the bringers of chaos and excitement to what would have been a boring year for everyone. Even if Tsukasa was apart of the disciplinary committee, that didn't stop Rui at all from not only activating strange machines on school grounds (and causing explosions), but also managing to somehow rope Tsukasa into it, whether he actually was apart of it or not.

But despite the chaos and destruction the two brought in their path, both were kind and caring to everyone they had met with. Rui had even made a couple of devices for the gardening committee to protect the flower beds, and Tsukasa had never failed to be there for any classmate in need, no matter the problem.

And even if the first years backed away from the two for the first couple of weeks, they, too, would also grow to cherish the chaotic duo that added just the right amount of excitement they needed to get through the school year.

So Rui thought it was a nice balance. Everyone (except the teachers, but who knows?) was having fun, and that was a good thing.

He hadn't met a lot of the new students as of yet- all he had seen so far were the couple of first years who joined the gardening committee. Seeing them fascinated with his inventions made him feel just a bit more welcomed in this school, especially by the new kids who only knew him through the rumours.

However, Rui was getting off track.

He back away from the large whiteboard in front of him, examining it carefully. It was completely covered head to toe in blue marker, in writing so small you would have to look at it with squinted eyes to read, even if you were standing right in front of it.

And on the top, in fairly large (compared to all the other writing, at least), bolded letters and red whiteboard marker the following was scrawled:


Rui stared at the whiteboard, nodding to himself.

...Maybe he should have documented this on a computer or paper, actually, instead of a whiteboard. That would have been so much better.

Well, no matter. The whiteboard was double sided for a reason.

The director sighed, sitting on his bed (RUI KAMISHIRO IN HIS ACTUAL ROOM? Shocking, he knows). Where was he even going with this again?

Oh, wait. Right. This was part one of The Rui x Tsukasa Analysis Saga, as Rui liked to call it in his head. Maybe he should ask Mizuki or Nene to give them a.. ship name. Unless they already had one for him? Those two were the only ones aware of his massive crush on Tsukasa, anyway. He's surprised none of them have tried to play cupid and set them up yet.

But he's thankful that they haven't. Rui wanted to do this himself. He didn't need anyone having to do it for him.


Who knows. It depends on how this would end up.

Rui flopped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. All of this analyzing was great, despite also being kind of disturbing. But even so, the result he would come up with might not even be right. In the end, it was up to Tsukasa.

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