[8] Snow-Buried Tales [8]

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lirterally what am I doing with my life i only write at school help me help help helphelpheplheplheplheplpelhlphlelphk

SONG: Snow-Buried Tales - Genshin Impact

OR: There's no proper way to tell if things are working (there's no proper way to tell anything, really).
Additionally, Mizuki makes a mistake.
OR OR: Yume Nikki ost is saving me rn
OR OR OR: that was a lie it didn't save me, culminating did (somehow idk either man)

"I talked to him,"

Rui looked over to Nene as she took a sip from her juice box, "What did he say?"

Nene sighed, "He wouldn't admit anything. I guess that's fair, though. It's kind of hard, isn't it?'

"It can be, yes.."

Nene nodded. She took another sip, waving the juice box around. "Yeah, so I told him I'd wait. That all of us would- like, until he was ready to spill."

She paused for a moment, looking off into the distance, "Was that the right thing to do?"

Rui's eyes widened just a bit, before he nodded. "I think it was. It's good to share your problems with others so they can help, but it's also good to make sure you're ready. I'm sure Tsukasa appreciated it, Nene."

Nene sighed out a breath of relief. "Good," She muttered, "Things have gotten really hectic lately, haven't they..?"

Rui could only nod his head once more in agreement. Things really have gotten a little bit messy since the whole first year ordeal began.

Well.. maybe 'a little' is an understatement. But the point still stood, and so did the elephant in the room. The big question.

Howe were they supposed to stop the bullying?

Teachers didn't care at all. And neither did the students. You would tell a teacher your problems, and the most they would do is talk to those students. And what happened after? Things would only get worse. You would be labelled as a tattletale, nothing would stop.

Asking nicely wouldn't help either. This wasn't those situations where you would tell the bully, "Can you please stop this hurts my feelings..!!" and they would actually stop.

That wasn't how real life worked at all. Sometimes, people bullied others just for the fun of it. Just because they don't like that person. Not because they have something going on at home, or they need someone to take their anger out on. Sometimes, they just did it because why not?

You don't like someone, you voice your opinion to others. You think they're weird, you stay away. And you tell that to others, too, and others think they're weird. Then everyone thinks they're weird, and you talk about how weird they are, whether they can hear you or not. And you say that they're weird out loud, and others join in, and it all spirals down from there.

That's how it goes.

That's how it always went. And even now, it was happening. Some other first years had already began to form unpleasant opinions on Rui and Tsukasa, simply based on what they would hear from their classmates. And those classmates heard it from their other friends, who heard it from their siblings, who heard it from their other friends.

You see it now, don't you? It's a pattern; a cycle. It spreads around like a wildfire.

And it would only spread more. You can't stop all of it once, there will always be a part that's still burning and spreading as you try to get rid of one part.

"You're quiet,"

Nene looked over to Rui. "Don't you have something to work on or whatever?"

Rui hummed, "Not really. We don't have any plans for show as of now, do we?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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