[4] Checker Dance [4]

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SONG: Checker Dance - DELTARUNE
OR: Hatsune Miku knows all. But sometimes she's not allowed to say the things she knows. Because that would be unfair to Tsukasa-kun!

Home sweet home.


...Kind of?

Rui was, once more, in his actual room. He stood in front of his large whiteboard, blue marker in hand as he stared at the other side of the whiteboard, which was now also filled to the brim with extremely small handwriting and even a few small pictures of stick people.

...This was going nowhere, Rui had realized with a sigh.

An analysis wasn't going to do anything. Really, all Rui needed to do was just gather the balls to confess and deal with whatever consequences there were, whether Tsukasa reciprocated or not.

Though, like always, it was easier said than done. But what else was Rui supposed to do?

He needed somewhere to go. Somewhere to get his mind off this, or.. just distract him in general. Or who knows, maybe a place that would give him answers?

...SEKAI. Of course.

Rui reached over to the nightstand, taking his phone and opening it. He navigated to his music, where the song labelled 'THE WORLD HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET' sat innocently, as if it was simply an actual song and not also a gateway to a strange world born from Tsukasa's true feelings of wanting to make people smile.

..Really, Rui needs to look more into that.

But as a wave of triangular particles surrounded him and carried him away, he could hear a voice calling out to him along with the music blaring from the SEKAI's speakers.



His vision cleared, and the director turned around to see Hatsune Miku running towards him.

"RUI-KUN, PLEASE HELP!!!" She exclaimed, skidding to a stop directly in front of him. "We need your help!!"

Rui raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What do you need my help with-?"

"KAITO is stuck inside my Mikudayo costume!"


"He's.. what-?"

Miku shuddered, inhaling deeply before blurting out, "EmucameyesterdayandshewastalkingaboutabunchofgameslikeneverhaveIeverortruthordaresotodaywewereplayingtruthordareandMEIKOdaredKAITOtoputontheMikudayocostumeandnowHECANTGETOUTOFIT-"

Rui held his hands out on front of him, "Miku, calm down..! What did you say?"

"Oh! Sorry, Rui-kun-!!" Miku paused, taking another deep breath before repeating herself. "Emu came yesterday and she was talking about a bunch of games like never have I ever or truth or dare so today we were playing truth or dare and MEIKO dared KAITO to put on the Mikudayo costume and now HE CAN'T GET OUT OF IT!!"

Rui stared at Miku, dumbfounded.

"..Where is he?"

Miku grinned, sighing a breath of relief as she grabbed Rui's wrist, "Over here! Come on, come on~!!"

The VIRTUAL SINGER ran off, dragging Rui along behind her. She sprinted past the fountain and a group of plushies that seemed to be practicing a dance routine (Miku had yelled out, "YOU GUYS ARE DOING GREAT~!!!" As she passed by them), all the way to one of the many circus tents in the seemingly never ending SEKAI.

"GUUYYYYSSSS!!!" Miku yelled out as she entered, "I found Rui-kun!! He's gonna help!"

KAITO, who was currently stuck inside the Mikudayo costume, turned around towards the voice. "Ah.. Rui is here?" He asked, voice muffled from inside Mikudayo's head.

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