[6] Darkness Falls [6]

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hello my little geese. Eat up

SONG: Darkness Falls - DELTARUNE
OR: Why am I like this..?

"What the hell do you three think you're doing to Tenma?"

Tsukasa's eyes widened. He looked to the side, where his classmates were standing.

Hayashi.. Shiranui.. and Tsurugi.

And behind then, staring in shock and worry, was Rui.

"You guys.." Tsukasa uttered, surprised, "What are you guys doing-?!"

"Yeah, ask that to these three," Shiranui spat, narrowing her eyes as she gestured towards the three first years. "What the hell was up with that?"

Takamoto's brother, scoffed, folding his arms. "It was just a little teasing! We didn't actually mean it."

"Sure, yeah." Tsurugi stepped forwards, "Listen, I don't know what or why you guys were saying all that stuff to Tenma, but this better be the first and last time we see you talking to him."

The first boy sighed, "Damn.. people really can't take a joke, huh."

"You think this is a joke?"

This time, Rui took a step forwards, walking over to stand in front of Tsukasa. "We heard what you said, you weren't being very discreet about it."


Panicked, Tsukasa tugged at Rui's cardigan. "You don't have to do this, really! It's fine, they were just playing around.."

"Tsukasa, I don't think ridiculing someone for wanting to follow their dreams is 'just playing around.'" Rui pointed out, frowning.

Hayashi took a deep breath. "You three should get to class." He said to the three first years, "You wouldn't want to be reported for being late because you decided it would be funny to harass someone who did nothing to you, after all."

One of the boys scoffed, shaking his head. "Whatever, dude. Let's go."

As the first years walked away, Shiranui called out, "And you three better back off from Tenma!"

"Sure, whatever.."



Rui turned around in his seat, looking at the blond. "Are you alright?"

The boy in question took a deep breath.

To be honest, Tsukasa didn't know if he was alright or not. He knew he was better than what those three years said. He knew he wasn't like that, he knew he shouldn't listen.

Tsukasa wasn't.. a freak, a weirdo, a loser or whatever. He was a star! A star that would make the whole world smile with his shows! What those three first years were saying were simply just words! He shouldn't take them to heart..!

..He shouldn't take them to heart.

So why were those insults, those words staying in his mind? Circling around, reminding him as if he really believed them.

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