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↳  AURELIA was in what seemed to be the most comfortable, and needed sleep of her entire life. Well.. that was, until the most annoying thing in the universe happenend : her alarm went off.

The blonde groggily woke up, pushing the clock off of her nightstand so it would stop going off. But, unfortunately for her, it didn't stop. Aurelia finally openend her eyes, forcing herself to sit up. "fuck off." she said, standing up and finally turning off the oh - so annoying sound.

All she wanted was to just , re-enter her dream. Her dream had been about.. well, that's for her to know.. and for you, to..

The blonde walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filled it with water. She wasn't fully.. awake yet. Her phone started going off. She walked back over to her bedroom in annoyance. Aurelia grabbed the phone, and read the caller ID.

" 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐗  💋 "

She rolled her eyes, and answered the call. "Ugh, what?? It's too early for you to call."

" What do you mean early, Lia?! It's like, 2 in the afternoon!" Alex yelled into the phone.

"Yeah. Like i said, too early." Aurelia scoffed.

Alex sighed. "Whatever. Don't forget dinner with Kara and Lena tonight!"

"Oh, yeah.. yup. I didn't forget. Totally." the blonde told her in remembrance.

"Sure you didn't. Don't get drunk before dinner, and i'll pick you up at 7. Oh, and dress nicely!"

"Yup, love you, and see you tonight. Bye!" She said, ending the call, not giving her sister any chance to criticize her any more. Last time they went to dinner, she showed up in sweat pants. It ended up being an extremely fancy restaurant.

But, ofcourse, Lena being the sweetheart she is, bought her some clothes quickly. Those are the perks of having good (and rich.. shh.) friends!

She ordered some lunch, cause who has the motivation to make food so early in the day? She sure didn't.

The blonde walked back over to the living room and sat down on the couch, taking a sip of her water. She turned on the TV and scrolled through a few shows. Finally finding the one she wanted to watch, she made herself comfortable on the couch and started the episode.

She wasn't particularily excited to go out, specifically to a fancy restaurant. Aurelia had met lots of rich people, and luckily Lena wasn't as stuck up as the others - although, going to a restaurant ment she had to once again put her etiquette skills to use, and those weren't exactly the best.

This would have also been the first time she ever actually went out after her break up with Aaron, her ex boyfriend. They'd been together since college, so as you can imagine, their break up was extremely messy and didn't do Aurelia well.

She fell into a depression, and sat in bed daily. Basically, eat, sleep & repeat, with the occasional drinking.

Whilst it was hard, she managed to almost fully pull herself out of that mental state with the help of her sisters and friends, which she was extremely thankful for. If it hadn't been for them, she wouldn't even be here this day.

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