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.・. .・゜✭・.・✫・゜・. .

TREVOR WALKS INTO THE ROOM. Elena, was still trying to get answers out of the woman. And unfortunately for Aurelia, it was working, which ment she'd have to endure the brunette speaking again.

"Tell me more." The brunette demanded.

"Captivity's made her pushy, eh?" Trevor asks rhetorically as he picks up a board. "What do you want to know, doppelicious?"


The guy puts a board up against the window, blocking all sunlight from coming in.

"Who are you running from?" Elena questions them.

"The originals." Trevor answers.

"Duh."     "Yeah, she said that." Aurelia and Elena say at the same time. "What does that mean?" the brunette ends.

"The first family. The old world." the guy explains. "Rose and i pissed them off."

Rose made an unapproving sound. "Mmm.."

"Correction. I pissed them off. Rose had my back. And for over half a millennium, they've wanted us dead." he corrects, walking around the room, and throws something into a bin.

"What did you do, to make them find you important enough to chase you around for 500 years? I mean, surely, it has to be something horrendous." Aurelia speaks up.

Rose glances at the blonde. "He made the same mistake countless others did. He trusted Katerina Petrova."

Elena looks at Rose confused, but then realizes something. "Katherine."

"The one and only. The first, Petrova doppelgänger." Rose confirms.

"I helped her escape her fate and now I've -- , sorry, we've been marked ever since." Trevor explains, and points at Rose.

"Which is why, we're not going to make the same mistake again." Rose tells Elena, whilst standing in the doorway.

Trevor puts down a folder on the table, and exits the room, along with Rose, leaving Aurelia and Elena together.

┊ ➶ 。˚ °

Elena paces around the room, and sits down on the couch next to Aurelia. She suddenly picks up a folded note, which came out of nowhere, and reads it. She smiles, and shows it to Aurelia.

"Who?" Aurelia asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it. But, their gonna help us."

"I've, uh, been meaning to ask this, but "Rose" didn't seem in the best mood. But, where are we? And, why am i here? I don't.. even know you.. or vampires?" Aurelia asks, and frowns.

"Well, i think you heard the reason i'm here.. but, i don't exactly know why you are here.. I thought you were with Rose and Trevor?" Elena tells Aurelia, quietly.

"I've never seen them in my life.. one moment i was with my friends, the next i was at a party.. and the next i was here?"

Elena merely shrugs.

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