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dance the night away - dua lipa

.・. .・゜✭・.・✫・゜・. .

Just a few minutes ago, they had announced something during a speech - although Aurelia didn't really listen to it as she was too busy dancing the night away.

And maybe she had gotten drunk off of a drink or ten? twenty? she forgot, atleast kryptonians weren't as prone to alcohol as humans were. In her defense, someone spiked the punch. Not as if she didn't realize that.

Alaric approached Damon and Aurelia as they were stood by the food and drinks, talking about god knows what.

"Hey, nice dance, eh?" Alaric asked, finally getting the attention of Aurelia.

"Right, it's.. okay. The horny teenagers here are crazy though." The Kryptonian slurred, partially leaning her weight onto Damon to prevent her from dropping to the floor. The dance itself was fine, but the students? Never again.

Whilst Damon chuckled, Alaric didn't really seem to find it funny. Instead, he kept a straight face as he glanced over the crowd. He looked.. pissed? After her arrival, her and Alaric hadn't spoken often, so she found this pretty odd, but as always Damon didn't realize anything. He was too busy downing cheap alchoholic drinks.

"Anyways, i'm gonna go to the restroom, before i throw up in the middle of the room.." Aurelia said, rushing away, occasionally leaning against the wall to keep her from falling.


Minutes - or hours? Aurelia wasn't exactly sure, but after she came back from the restroom no one was to be found. Not even Alaric. She could've expected the lovers throuple to go home, but Alaric? He was a teacher, wasn't he supposed to be responsible for the party?

She once again found herself standing against the wall, glancing over the crowds. Surely, they had to be somewhere, right?

"Hey. I haven't seen you around here, are you new?" A boy around her age suddenly asked, startling her. His eyes gazed over her body, making Aurelia feel even more nauseous than she already was.

"Uhm, no, i've been here for a while actually." The kryptonian replied, trying to avoid a long conversation. She'd experienced men trying to hook up with her before, they always kept going not understanding the word no.

"Right. Do you want a drink, sweetheart?" He asked, obviously flirting. It was always some pet name, like 'sweets' 'sweetheart' or 'darling'. ew.

Whilst the was planning to grab one herself, she sternly declined his offer. Stranger danger.

"Come on, sweets. Let loose a bit." He said, irritation slightly lacing his tone. He put his hand on her waist, leaning into her a bit more. But before he could go any further, he was harshly pushed away.

"She said no, piss off." Alaric appeared, standing protectively infront of Aurelia. The guy, not wanting any trouble with a teacher, quickly disappeared into the crowd, a scowl on his face.

"Thanks, Alaric. I thought i was never gonna hear the end of it." She chuckles, still a bit shocked from the situation.

"Don't worry, love. I've got you." He answered.

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