Pokemon Professors (Judge program)

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After all of this maybe you have fallen in love with the game and decided that official tournaments are your way to play, well maybe you're willing to go a little bit further? As with any good tournament, judges must be present to make critical, impartial decisions, thus Pokemon Professors were born. Pokemon Professors are volunteers who judge events but have to go through an online qualification program first. After that, if you judge a substantial number of events then you may get invited to national and even international championships (as a judge) as well as exclusive judge tournaments and you even get enrolled in a rewards program where you can earn points judging that can be redeemed for products.

Professors come at different levels: Organizers may schedule and advertise for events. Basics can judge at championships after a short multiple-choice exam. Stage 1 Professors must complete nine months as a basic, judging 6 events a year and complete a more complex exam with written accompaniment detailing their time in the program. Stage 2 Professors must attend 8 events a year, half of which are at the premier level, must be fluent English speakers, have a full year in the program, and pass an essay-style exam and an interview. After attaining level 2 they must attend 12 events a year, 8 of which at the premier level. Additionally, at any level, you must live near a network of regular, official tournaments.


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