Part 7

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Reader's Pov -

"Yo, Jeff. Who's the girl?" The guy in the navy blue mask asks.

"Oh, this is Y/n. Someone I met in the forest awhile ago." Jeff says.

I wave from behind Jeff, the little girl suddenly runs up to met and smiles.

"Hi there! I'm Sally! Wanna play tea-party with me?" The little girl, now known as Sally, asks while looking up at me.

I swear I got lost in her eyes for a moment, they were so pretty, though she looked.. almost dead, in general.

"Oh uhhh-" Jeff interrupts, "Sorry Sal, but she can play right now."

"Aww, okay.. maybe later?"

"Yeah, maybe.."

The girl walks back to her chair and sits down, suddenly the blonde elf boy speaks up.

"Soooo, I'm assuming we should introduce ourselves." The blonde boy says.

"Well, I'm BEN, specifically BEN, not Ben." The elf boy, now known as BEN says.

'Hmm.. strange, it doesn't sound much different, buuuut oh well.'

"I'm Eyeless Jack, EJ for short." The masked man says.

"And as you already know, that's Sally." EJ points to Sally, beside him.

"Kk.. I'm Y/n." I say awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"Hey, no need to be so nervous around then, they won't hurt ya.. unless they have to." Jeff says.


Suddenly, the door swings open to reveal a tall boy with black hair, blue doctor type shirt with a smiley face pin, black dress pants, and a white mask with a bloody smile and eyes.

He seemed to be out of breath. "*Pant* hey- wha-? Who's *wheeze* this?" The boy asks.

"Um- I'm Y/n." I say.

"Wait- you're the girl that I saw in the forest!" The boy yelled.

"I am? Wait- you saw me-"

"I saw you kill that kid!" He yelled.

"O-oh-", Jeff speaks up, "Don't worry, that's Bloody Painter, he's a killer too."

I sigh in relief, "Okay.."

"That was so cool! You just killed that kid with no emotion whatsoever! And you did in in, probably, the most painful way possible!"

"Oh? Wait- you enjoyed watching me kill someone? Eh, I would too."

"Yeah! Nice to meet ya, I'm Helen. Though, everyone calls me Bloody Painter."

"Oh, so she gets to call you Helen?!" Jeff asks.

"Yep, cuz she seems actually cool. Unlike you, especially the way you kill, it's so boring, you always yell 'Go To Sleep', then stab them. Y/n here, she basically tore the kids chest open!"

"Wha-? I didn't know she'd even do such a thing, she seems so.. innocent? Well no, she didn't seem like the type to do that."

"Mhm, it was cool to watch, maybe we can make art together! Like– paint with blood?" Helen suggested.

"Sure.. that'd be fun...." I say.

"So, when do ya wanna go paint?" Helen asks excitedly.

"Maybe later, I'm.. busy right now."

A/n - Cliffhanger? I don't have many ideas right now, so I'm coming up with ideas as I write, kinda got writers block, and I also don't know where this story is gonna go or when it's gonna end. Don't worry, it's not ending any time soon. Thanks for reading, have a great day/night my fellow readers! - Adrian

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