Part 8

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Reader's Pov - 

After I met a few more of the others, such as Clockwork, Sadie, and Toby, Jeff and me started talking for awhile.

Jeff was actually pretty cool, he even asked me if I wanted to become a Creepypasta, though it's up to Slenderman.

Which, speaking of Slenderman, he still hasn't met me yet, I wonder what he'd think of the idea.

Maybe he'd let me, but, I kinda wanna go hangout with that Bloody Painter guy. He seemed nice.

"Hey uhh- Jeff?" 


"I think I'm gonna go wander on my own for a bit, is that okay?" 

"Oh- yeah, that's fine," Jeff starts walking away, "See ya later, Y/n!" 

I wave back and start walking randomly. Then, I suddenly remember, Bloody Painter gave me directions to his room. I might as well go see what he's up to.

Time Skip - After Walking For . . . Some Time -

"Where is his damn room?! I thought I remembered the way!" I sigh, seemingly frustrated.

Suddenly I hear a voice of a child behind me. "Who's room are you looking for?" 

I sigh once I hear that familiar voice, It was Sally. 

"Oh, I'm just looking for Bloody Painter's room. Do you maybe know where it is?" I ask.

"Mhm! Follow me, I can take you there." Sally says as she starts walking in the direction of his room.

I follow behind Sally for awhile, we walk for some time until we finally stop at a door. Sally knocks three times and steps back, waiting for him to open the door. 

He opens the door and looks down at Sally. "Do you need something, Sally?"

"Nope, I just brought Y/n here, she was looking for your room and got lost, so I brought her here. Well, I'm gonna go find papa Slendy! Byeee!" Sally says, then starts skipping away and down the hall.

"Byee!" I wave to her, then turn to BP (BP stands for Bloody Painter if ya didn't know).

"So, what'd you need, Y/n?" He asks.

"Oh– uhh– wanna hangout for a bit? Maybe go on a walk, or draw?"

"Sure, that sounds nice." Though, I couldn't tell, I think BP smiled.

Time Skip - After Awhile -

"Y'know, Y/n; you're a really fun person to be around." BP says, as he looks– well, seemingly look over at me, through his mask.

"I could say the same for you, it was nice hanging out with you, you're really cool."

I smile, "Y'know, we spent so much time talking and drawing, that we didn't even talk much about our pasts.."

"Oh.... Yeah... Um..." BP looks down at the ground.

"Oh- um– sorry! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories!"

"It's.. uhh... It's fine," he looks back up, "It's just personal, but.. I'm willing to tell you..."

My eyes widen slightly, surprised that he'd actually be willing to tell me. But, I instantly stop talking and lean in closer, curiously.

A/N - Cliffhanger, sorry, I haven't had many writing ideas, but I guess I should go ahead and add Bloody Painter's backstory. Have a great day/night, my fellow readers! - Adrian

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