Part 11

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Reader's Pov - Later -

It was now 2:00 A.M. I still couldn't fall asleep, I dunno why. Maybe too much on my mind? Hmm....

'Damn, I'm so tired.. yet I can't sleep.. this sucks.' I thought as I laid on my bed and stared at the wall blankly. 

'I wonder if anyone else is up... ehh... I'm hungry..' I sit up tiredly. 

I get up and open the door, peeking into the hall before stepping out and continuing on my way to the kitchen.

Once I get down to the kitchen, I see beer bottle scattered across the floor and table. 

"The hell....?" I look around for a moment, and surprisingly, my eyes land on Jeff, who was sleeping on the floor. 

'He must've been hella wasted... what an idiot.." I sigh and grab one of the bottles off the floor. 

'Bud Light', read the name. "Ew.. not even the good kind.." 

I drop the bottle on the floor and walk over to Jeff, kicking him slightly. 

No movement. 'Yep.. he's out cold.. let's see if I can carry him...' 

I try to pick him up, and I successfully manage to do so. But- DAYUM, he's heavy as hell!

Time Skip - After Getting Jeff In His Room - 

I sigh in relief, "Finally..." I leave the room, heading back to my room.

'I'm not even hungry anymore... hopefully I can sleep. 

I get to my room and jump on the bed. "Ah.. finally I can sleep.." 

Time Skip - The Next Morning - 

I hadn't gotten any sleep, AT ALL. So I had been reading all night, I put my book down on my nightstand and sit up.

I yawn, and get out of bed.

"Damn... That was one hell of a long night..." I say to myself, before leaving my room.

I walk downstairs to see Jeff and BEN eating some breakfast.

Jeff looks absolutely dead inside.

"Yo Jeff, you good?" I ask.

"Yeah.. I'm fine... Just a hangover..." He says.

"Oh, I kinda assumed so.. I had to carry your heavy ass to your room last night when I found you unconscious on the floor.." I say.

"Ah, so you brought me to my room.. thanks." He says.

"You're welcome." I say, before grabbing the bottle of headache relief. I open the bottle and grab a couple.

"Here, take these." I say.

"Mk.. thanks." Jeff says, then tosses the pill in his mouth, followed by some water to swallow them.

BEN had been completely zoned out, not listening to what we were talking about.

"Huh? Oh hey Y/n." BEN says, finally noticing me in the room.

"Hm? Oh, hey BEN." I say.

BEN zones out again. Leaving the silence to fill the room.

"Uh.. I think I'ma go out to kill, anyone wanna come?" I ask.

"Sure.." Jeff says.

Suddenly, BP walks in. "Ooh, can I come?" He asks.

"Oh, sure."

A/N - Hey there, I'm back from the dead! Hope you liked this chapter, thanks for reading. Have a great day/night, my fellow readers. - Adrian

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