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"A very happy Diwali to my Indian fans....I purple you all. I hope y'all will enjoy this festival with happiness and peace......"

Taehyung spoke in the microphone, further proceeding to read the comments popping on the screen. A smile spread across his lips as he kept reading aloud the comments.

"Umm...have you ever gone to India? No, I have not recently but when I was teenager , I went their for meeting some of my dad's friends. I really wish to come there once more to refresh my memories."

He replied with a smile, glancing at the clock and let out a sigh. It was about time Jimin would come back home and he wanted to be free to spend some time with the older.

After wishing a 'good night' to his fans and explaining that he needed to end the vlive as it was getting late and he had some stuffs to do and shortly ended the vlive.

As soon as his head laid on the soft pillow, the door bell rang; shuffling out of the bed, he sprinted towards the door. After opening the door, he wished the older with a warm smile.

"Were you waiting for me? I told you take a rest , Taehyung. We arrived just today."

Jimin scolded the younger with a hint of care and affection.

Taehyung just shook his head.

"Actually... Whenever I'm free or trying to sleep, I start overthinking about you know....stuffs. So, I was trying to keep myself busy in whatever I could do."

He explained while plopping himself down on the  brown bean bag.

Jimin nodded understandigily and moved towards the younger. Bending a little, he threw his arms around the youngers' chest, nuzzling his face from behind under the youngers' crook of neck.

"What did you do today?"

He asked, his voice a bit groggy due to tiredness.

Taehyung felt his heart leap inside his ribcage with the closeness between them. He internally shook his head.

"I d-did a vlive with my fans which was for four hours...I read and replied to their comments, did crafts along with them and reacted to some clips which they suggested. Most importantly, I unpacked my luggage and arranged everything."

Jimin felt the excitement in Taehyung's voice and smiled at him before huming.

"Did you eat?" He questioned and the younger started coughing suddenly.

"Water *cough* water" Taehyung gulped down the whole glass of water.

"Did you ....not eat anything?" Jimin interrogated sternly.

Taehyung shook his head and looked down a bit.

"I attempted to cook but I may or may not have burnt a few things here and there. Actually...I didn't kn-"

Jimin was shocked.

"Are you okay? Did you burn yourself?"

Taehyung just shook his head in response to the olders' question.

"Are you not mad that I burnt things?"

He quietly muttered, making Jimin widened his eyes.

"What the hell do you mean by that? You are more important for me. Don't tell me that your family or your —"

Taehyung immediately cut off the older.

"No, I burn things often...Like this is the first time then there will be a second time, then third and more...Its like don't think that I can ever improve...If I was at my family's place, I would have kicked out someone like me. You really don't know about it but I'm pro when it comes to destruction ... Well ...my dad is no less tho."

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