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Its 4th of December and just 8 th day from today—😭🥺

The peaceful night was interrupted by the ringing of phone. It was midnight and Jimin was having a nice sleep while cuddling up with the younger who was being the bigger spoon; spooning Jimin into his arms, both of them having a nice sleep.

"uh..huh" Taehyung whined, pulling the pillow and pressing it over his ears but the stupid phone won't stop ringing at all.

"Jimin, pick up the call." He sleepily called out for the older but like him, Jimin also snuggled more closer, trying to block away the sound.

Taehyung flicked open his one eyes and glanced at the older who was sleeping peacefully and he sighed as he couldn't bring himself to break Jimin's peaceful sleep.

Fortunately, the call also went off. The room was now all silent, a comfortable silence.

Taehyung looked at the little frown on Jimin's face, brushing his fingers over it; he caressed the skin, trying to cease away the frown.

"Aish! Why are you so pretty, Jimin? You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen."

He said with a sleepy voice, smiling at the sleeping beauty. He felt like he was struck by midnight fever. Nothing to hide, nothing to pretend. He wasn't thinking anymore and just letting out what he felt at that moment.

(A/N- midnight fever isn't a disease. Just like a drunk person confesses whatever is in their heart, likely, at midnights, our mind is in a state where we show our true self or most pure self. Our mind remains hazy and tired , hence, our heart is in-charge.)

"You are so pretty, my first love ever. Aish! Come into my arms, pretty Jimin."

He giggled a little at himself before pulling Jimin impossibly closer and closed his eyes, smiling with happiness to have the opportunity to get a sniff full of Jimin's pure baby scent.

Jimin smelled like babies and lilies with a little hint of freshness of lemon.

"Baby..... I wonder if my baby misses me? He must be missing me too and I know he still loves me. I hope we can catch up again."

Taehyung mumbled sadly, remembering those golden moments. He can't just forget the memories with his loved one and it's true that no one can replace his love for him but in such critical situation, Jimin was a huge help.

He felt as if Jimin sucked away all his sadness and showered Taehyung's life with affection and positivity.

Of course, Jimin wasn't just a distraction. He was a lot more than that. Much more.

If Taehyung gets a chance now, he would easily pick Jimin's company in a heartbeat. That's how Jimin was. Always sweet and loving. And top of that, he wasn't as boring as predicted.

He was fungoing, cool and so sassy. Taehyung loved hiw Jimin could balance his personality so perfectly.

"Who the fuck—?" He let out irritatedly as the phone started ringing once more.

Taehyung decided to just pick it up else the person won't let them sleep at all. He swipped up the screen and put the phone near his ears but before he could speak, he heard someone shout harshly right into his ears.

He couldn't even hear half of it before he cut the call. It wasn't because the tone was harsh but—

The phone started ringing once again and he swore he would never dare to pick it up and let it ring forever.

"Who the f-fuck?" A cutely cursing Jimin woke up and immediately stretched forward , hovering on top of Taehyung and picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" Jimin muttered.

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