I Get Stuck in the Darkness

738 21 3

New York City
Theo's POV

I don't know how I ended up here, wherever here is.

My morning started off about as normally as it would for a half-blood. I woke up, had breakfast, said goodbye to David, then headed off to school.

School was uneventful as always. I had my classes while trying to ignore the gazes I got from people. Everyone still thinks that my best friend Eric Hayes had gone missing two years ago. What they don't know is that Eric was a satyr who gave his life to save me from an Odontotyrannos. I still carry his sword as a way to honor him.

After school finally ended, I walked back home.

I entered the apartment, and what did I see? David making out with his girlfriend Kathrine Sargeant on the couch.

I entered the apartment, and what did I see? David making out with his girlfriend Kathrine Sargeant on the couch

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Played by: Vera Farmiga

I cleared my throat, causing David and Kathrine to separate and look at me embarrassed.

Theo: If you two are planning on getting me a new half-brother, can you at least not do it on the couch? Use the bedroom down the hall.

Kathrine: (rubs the back of her neck) We...kinda got carried away.

Theo: (chuckles) Yeah, I could tell. (turns to David) Hey, David.

David: Hey, Theo. How was school?

Theo: Oh, you know. Same old.

David sighed, knowing what I was talking about.

Kathrine: Is that something I have to worry about?

Theo: No, don't worry, Kathrine. I can handle it.

Kathrine: (sighs) Well, if you ever need anything, you can always come to me.

Theo: I know. I'm gonna go do my homework.

I walked into my room and placed my backpack on the table. I took out my homework and placed it on my desk before going to work.

Ever since I got back from Camp Half-Blood, things have been going great for me, and as far as I know, the same can be said for my friends Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Zoe.

Annabeth was getting along with her father, stepmom, and stepbrothers.

Percy was going to an orientation at Goode High School in a couple weeks' time.

Grover and Zoe were doing great at camp. Zoe was getting along with a lot of people and making other friends, even Clarisse and some of the Ares campers.

On the other hand, there's David and Kathrine. Kathrine is a middle school teacher who worked here in Brooklyn. She and David met a couple of weeks after the events of Mount Tamalpais, and for the last 6 months, they've been going strong. Kathrine has treated me like a son to her, which I was fine with since I considered her like a mother to me. She's no Artemis, but she's a close second.

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