We Jump the Three-Chested Prick

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Theo's POV

The second we reached the ranch house, Geryon had Eurytion tie us up and gag us.

I was the first one to get his hands and ankles tied up.

Theo: You know what, buddy? How about you make like a maiden in a Greek myth and get fu—

Eurytion gagged me with a cloth before I could finish my sentence.

Geryon: That oughta shut you up.

In a few minutes, we were all tied up and gagged and tossed in a corner.

I struggled to get my wrists free, but whatever knot Eurytion must've used was sturdy as hell.

Geryon: I'm gonna make some burgers for our future guest. Y'all want some?

We all glared at him. No fucking way am I getting beef made from sacred cow, especially since said cows belonged to my uncle, Apollo.

Geryon started flipping burgers on a huge barbecue cooker made from an oil drum. Eurytion lounged at a picnic table, picking his fingernails with a knife. The two-headed dog sniffed the ribs and burgers that were frying on the grill.

I had a feeling that Geryon is going to find a way to fuck us over even if Percy managed to clean up the stables before sunset (which is only a few hours away), so I had to take matters into my own hands somehow.

I spent the next couple of hours looking around, looking for something that I could use to cut the rope off my wrists. Once my hands were free, freeing my legs would be quick.

Unfortunately, there was nothing nearby that was sharp enough...Except my hidden blades.

I smirked a bit under my gag. Geryon and Eurytion only saw me use my shield, so neither of them thought that my bracers had any other surprises.

They only tied us up to make sure that we don't reach our weapons, but I WAS WEARING A COUPLE OF THEM ON MY ARMS!

I flicked my wrist, which took out the 12-inch bronze blade out of the bracer. Annabeth looked over and saw me using my hidden blade. She looked at me with raised eyebrows, and I winked at her, silently telling her to trust me.

I slowly moved the blade back and forth against the rope around my wrists to cut. I have to take it slowly. If either Geryon or Eurytion saw me move too much, they'll know something was up.

After an hour, I was close to cutting the ropes off completely when I heard hurried footsteps from outside the ranch outside. That was either Percy or Luke, and I was really hoping it was the former.

The door opened and, much to my relief, it was Percy. He was standing there, out of breath.

Percy: Let them go! I cleaned the stables!

Geryon turned. He wore an apron on each chest, with one word on each, so together they spelled out: KISS—THE—CHEF.

Geryon: Did you, now? How'd you manage it?

Percy told Geryon that he had met a naiad in a nearby river. He tried to get her to agree to use to river to clean the stables, but she refused. She did tell him about petrified seashells when these lands used to be a part of the sea.

He threw seashells into piles of shit and they sprouted streams of water (don't ask me how, because I have no fucking idea), so he used those to clean the stables.

Geryon: (nods) Very ingenious. It would've been better if you'd poisoned that pesky naiad, but no matter.

Percy: Let my friends go. We had a deal.

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