We Finally Find the Lost God

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Percy's POV

My hands shook as I picked up the cap. It looked like it had been stepped on by a huge muddy boot. After all that I'd gone through today, I couldn't stand the thought that something might've happened to Grover, too.

Then I noticed something else. The cave floor was mushy and wet from the water dripping off the stalactites. There were large footprints like Tyson's, and smaller ones—goat hooves—leading off to the left.

Percy: We have to follow them. They went that way. It must have been recently.

Nico: What about Camp Half-Blood? There's no time.

Theo: That's a later problem. We have a very serious now problem. Come on.

He picked up Grover's smashed cap and forged ahead.

I followed bracing myself for the worst. The tunnel was treacherous. It sloped at weird angles and was slimy with moisture. Half the time we were slipping and sliding rather than walking.

Finally, we got to the bottom of a slope and found ourselves in a large cave with huge stalagmite columns. Through the center of the room ran an underground river, and Tyson was sitting by the banks, cradling Grover in his lap. Grover's eyes were closed. He wasn't moving.

Percy: Tyson!

Tyson: Percy! Come quick!

We ran over to him. Grover wasn't dead, thank the gods, but his whole body trembled like he was freezing to death.

Percy: What happened?

Tyson: So many things. Large snake. Large dogs. Men with swords. But then...we got close to here. Grover was excited. He ran. Then we reached this room, and he fell. Like this.

Zoe: Did he say anything?

Tyson: He said, "We're close." Then hit his head on rocks.

I knelt next to him. The only other time I'd seen Grover pass out was in New Mexico, when he'd felt the presence of Pan.

I shined my flashlight around the cavern. The rocks glittered. At the far end was the entrance to another cave, flanked by gigantic columns of crystal that looked like diamonds. And beyond that entrance...

Percy: Grover. Wake up.

Grover: Uhhhhhh.

Theo winded his hand up and slapped Grover hard across the face.

Grover: OW! Percy? Annabeth? Where...

Percy: It's okay. You passed out. The presence was too much for you.

Grover: I-I remember. Pan.

Percy: Something powerful is just beyond that doorway.

I made quick introductions since Tyson and Grover had never met Rachel. Tyson told Rachel she was pretty, which made Zoe's nostrils flare like she was going to blow fire.

Theo: Anyway. Come on, Grover. Lean on me.

Theo and I helped him up, and together we waded across the underground river. The current was strong. The water came up to our waists. I willed myself to stay dry, which is a handy little ability, but that didn't help the others, and I could still feel the cold, like wading through a snowdrift.

Annabeth: I think we're in Carlsbad Caverns.

Percy: How do you know?

Theo: Carlsbad is in New Mexico. That would explain last winter.

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