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Hannah POV:

" HANNAH! MY DEAR! WAKE UP!" screamed Mother at the top of her lungs. " Got it ma!" I screamed back. "*sigh* highschool. What could go wrong? Luke and Stacy challenge Zach into a fight, Mr. Dover gives us detention for no reason yeah! what.could.go.wrong?

I thought to myself while getting out of bed. After brushing, I started searching for my uniform, when one of my friends Sara came in. " Hannah! How long will yo- WHY ARE YOU IN YOU NIGHTDRESS?!" she demanded. " I can't find my uniform asshole THAT'S WHY!" I " kindly" replied. " I think Luke threw that book on your head a bit too hear cuz WE DON'T HAVE A UNIFORM!" she screamed. " oh! Right... NOW GET OUT BITCH! LET EM CHANGE!" I said. I guess a book thrown on your head can do more damage than I thought! After changing, I went to the dining room to find all my friends waiting for me. " There she is!"  Zach exclaimed. " Morning darling~," said Mom with a happy face drink in her hand. " morning ma," I said. " So let's go now? Where gonna be late if we don't leave now" said Dave.  We all agreed and left for school. None of us had a license but Zach. " Had another one of your nightmares Hannah?" said Sara ina teseing tone. " Shut the fuck up! I'm not joking! They where scary." I replied.

" What did you see this time?" asked Zach. " I was in some room with people surrounding me and I was holding the medicine. And then I threw it and then I woke up" I answered.

Zach POV:

" Where here!" I said, parking the car. " Finally!" said Dave, Stretching.  " Come on Dave, it wasn't that long," said Hannah. " Come on! Let's get our bags!" said Sara. She loves high school. I don't know what she sees in studying. We all got our bags and left for school. It was a better morning than the others. When we reached the hallway, me and Dave said bye to the girls. We have Science and they have History. 

Hannah POV:

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Hannah POV:

Sara loves History. I'm more of a sports person like basketball not learning about the Civil War of America. Sara and I went into class and sat down. Of course, we were early since Zach wants to deal with all his simps early in the morning so they didn't rewin our lunch break.

After around half nd hour, Mr. Dover came in. He tied his hair at the back and started speaking. And we started suffering. " Kids! Today we will learn about the reason why we all need to drink the medicine after the age of 18!" he exclaimed in a happy voice. 

Good! I'm Interested in knowing why I have to act like a happy bitch 24/7 

I thought. He opened a book and started speaking. 

"Decades ago, His Majesty King Theodore noticed that his people were always sad, and depressed, and the number of people committing suicide increased

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"Decades ago, His Majesty King Theodore noticed that his people were always sad, and depressed, and the number of people committing suicide increased.

"Decades ago, His Majesty King Theodore noticed that his people were always sad, and depressed, and the number of people committing suicide increased

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"So he came up with pills that made everyone happy. Since it was the only solution, the people agreed to take the drink. Since this had a lot of complicated and harmful chemicals, only people above 18 are allowed to drink this" he finished. " Now, since the winter holidays are coming up, I have a group project for all of you! I will give you each a  paper about the topic and your members and yáll know the rest so here" and with that, he distributed the papers.

* After class*

Sara POV:

"It's a medical that all of us are in the same group!" I exclaimed. " Yeah! Our topic is." Dave cut Hannah off. " The ingredients of the drink and the king's family" " Yeah. That," said Zach.  "It sounds so fucking boring," said Hannah. " Eh. Better than Lodi dynasty" said Dave. " Whose house are we doing it at?" I asked. " How about my house? My parents don't give a fuck anyway" said Hannah. " Alright!" everyone exclaimed.

Hannah POV ( at home)

While I was walking home, ( Zach dropped me half way. I walked the rest cuz I like exercising) I got a text from Mom. 

" Not again!" I winned

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" Not again!" I winned.  She had run out of the happy drink. I had to go all the way to the store to buy a new pack! I walked to the store and bought the drink. On my way home, I heard a voice in a dark alley. I went to check it out. It was a boy begging a dude with a  mask. I recognized the mask. It was the Happy Face agency! If anyone doesn't drink the medicine ( above the age of 18) they get killed. I couldn't even watch. The dude shot the boy with no mercy. He then left like nothing ever happened!

 He then left like nothing ever happened!

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I ran home after that. I was so fucking mad at those bitches! 

But when I got home things there were even worse...

But when I got home things there were even worse

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