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And I fainted just like that

I felt like hours passed by the time I woke up.

I felt very light-headed.

When I woke up, I saw that I was in a pretty dull-like room with a woman WITH A GUN AND JUST NORMALLY EATING GUM!

When I woke up, I saw that I was in a pretty dull-like room with a woman WITH A GUN AND JUST NORMALLY EATING GUM!

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"Oh! You're awake. Geez! HOW MUCH DO YOU SLEEP!?" she screamed.

"MHM!" I mumbled. I had a mask on my mouth, otherwise, I would have given her a piece of my mind! That bitch!

" Oh, don't worry darling! We just need to..... clarify some things!"

Bitch, I wanna get out of here!  I thought

She then left the room! Without even saying anything! 

That was weird!

This is my chance! I thought, Thinking I could escape.

But little did I know, this wasn't even happening, It wasn't happening

I reached out to my pocket somehow, and found a KNIFE!

"Where did this come from?" I mumbled [ kinda]

Then I remembered, I kept it in case.

I cut off the rope, took off the mask, and FIXED MY HAIR then, looked around in case.

I cut off the rope, took off the mask, and FIXED MY HAIR then, looked around in case

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Just when I turned around, I heard something.

" I'm warning you, Das kind menier Ex-faru. By~"

And then, I woke up.

In attic. Was I dreaming?

I found Mom next to me.

"Are you okay darling?" she asked.

" What- what happened ma?" I asked, totally confused.

"Well, I heard you screaming, so I came in to check up on you!" Mom replied.

Just then, before I could even speak, the toys started moving

" The fuck is that?" I said. Just then, a familiar person came out.


I was so fucking confused!  All of this had already happened! I was so fucking mad and confused, I screamed.


Everyone looked at me like I was insane or smth! [ which I me but still]

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Everyone looked at me like I was insane or smth! [ which I me but still]


Hey Starlights!
This finished faster then I thought! Here it is!
NO German here! [ just one line]

Sorry for any mistakes! and also if it's short, I tried my best! English is not my first lang.

And also, Enjoy the story!

Peace out yall!

The Happy Face DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now