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THE GOVERNMENT HAD TAKEN THEM IN BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE DRINK IN TIME! I was traumatized! The letter asked me to come to a court for some god damm reason. I changed, told my friends, and ran off to the location. (it wasn't that far) " Oh great. It's raining. How wonderful" I thought while running.

When I reached, I saw Mom and Dad sitting on a chair with some tall-ass guy in front of them! " Tf" I thought

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When I reached, I saw Mom and Dad sitting on a chair with some tall-ass guy in front of them! " Tf" I thought.

It was some dude who looked like he just drank an entire bucket of the Happy Face drink! " Well, well, well~ looks like the whole family is here!" he said

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It was some dude who looked like he just drank an entire bucket of the Happy Face drink! " Well, well, well~ looks like the whole family is here!" he said. My Mom got off the chair and hugged me. " Dear! Thank god your okay!" " SIT.DOWN." the dude screamed. We sat down. " So, I would have normally sent my men to kill you but, YOU!" he said, pointing at me. " Your special, so I'll spare you bitches. But, I need to run a few blood tests on the kid." I immediately stood up and screamed. " OH FUCK NO!"

I have a thing for blood tests

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I have a thing for blood tests. Father looked mad as fuck. " SHUT UP! She'll do it" he said. " WHAT?! HELL NO! You know she has a thing for these kinds of things" said Mom. " Oi! I'll take the test on Friday. Now OUT!" the dude said. I was traumatized as fuck! while we were walking, Mom and Dad their arguing the whole way.

  I was traumatized as fuck! while we were walking, Mom and Dad their arguing the whole way

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When we got home, I slammed my room door shut and didn't talk to anyone. I could hear Mom and Dad arguing. I listened in. " THAT'S IT! I'M KEEPING MY KID! I'M DIVORCING YOU!" I heard Mom scream. Dad signed some paperwork and left. In my childhood, his fake love seemed so real. It hearts. I cried the whole night.

The next day when I woke up for school, Mom asked me If I was okay with going

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The next day when I woke up for school, Mom asked me If I was okay with going. " You don't have to if you don't want to" I'm fine ma. By" I replied. I wasn't in the best mood for talking. It's not every day your parents get a divorce okay? I called Zach and told him and the others everything( They were in the car with him). He came to pick me up and as soon as I entered, everyone started comforting me. I appreciate it, but I'd prefer not to talk about it. After explaining, we reached school. Me and Sara were walking, and we noticed that while walking, Zach and Dave were blushing. " Ohh~~ someone has a crush~~," said Sara. "Sh-shut up!" said Zach. We all had History as the first period. We went to class and soon the old man started speaking. He called out my group number for the project.

 He called out my group number for the project

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We went with sir. He told us that our topic would only be the ingredients and not the king's history. " Why professor?" asked Dave. He didn't say anything. He just told us to go back. After school, we went to my house for the project. After around half an hour we finished it. I asked them a question. "Hey, why do you think Professor didn't answer Dave's question?" " I don't know" Sara answered, emailing the project to Sir. " Hey look! The government got a new assistant," said Zach. He showed us a picture. IT WAS A DUDE FROM YESTERDAY! " Hannah, you good?" asked Sara. " Actually, I have to tell y'all something" I started. After I said that I recognized him, They had to go home. After some time, Mom called me for dinner.

The dinner was really good but it was hella awkward. Mom didn't say anything.

I decided to talk to her tomorrow

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I decided to talk to her tomorrow.

I woke up and decided not to go to school. I told Mom I didn't feel like going and she allowed. I told Zach not to pick me up. I decided to go out for a walk.

It actually managed to cheer me up a bit. I heard a familiar voice. I went to check it out,

But I wasn't ready for what I was about to see...

The Happy Face DiseaseWhere stories live. Discover now