Chapter 1

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"Samuela Giovanni," often known as "Sammy" to those close to her, is known for many things. Known for her androgynous grace, tall and thin statuesque beauty, and unrivaled creativity, was an artist of many trades, but her heart truly belonged to photography. She was a maverick in a world of opulence, where even the tiniest details were relentlessly perfected, where phones projected holograms with a mere touch, cars never touched the shimmering quartz crystal ground, and refrigerators effortlessly placed gourmet orders at a thought's notice. Not that she eats much. She's on a diet.

Sammy's upbringing was a testament to Lumen's unique societal structure. Perfection. Sheer perfection. She was never sick, never unhealthy, and anything could be fixed with money. And according to her mother, so could her mind. Which, you know, is wrong.

Wealth wasn't hoarded but spent lavishly to maintain an immaculate reputation. Her wealth flowed from her mom, a woman with jet-black hair, both supportive and unrelentingly pushy. Sammy's mother bore into her with daggers of warmth and concern, but she also possessed the tendency to jump to conclusions, swiftly adopting the roles of protector and critic with equal fervor.

In contrast, Sammy was an enigma in a world of predictability. Her quiet demeanor masked a soul brimming with joy, light, and an uncanny sense of unpredictability. She navigated life with the whimsy of "Ruffy" and the elegance of "Bobbin" from the world of her favorite show, Hair Piece, characters whose eccentricities and grace lived within her. Although her mom would say she's just "childish", she was a firecracker.

Sammy often donned tuxedos with an elegance that was all her own, though, and her charm was not confined to any one gender. She had a unique style and aura, captured in her signature tuxedos made from cutting apart high-class, expensive fabrics and sewing them together in rebellious, asymmetrical patterns. Take that, mom. This didn't stop her mother from putting limits on how wild her outfits can be. Thanks, mom.

As Sammy continued her journey in the freelance world of high fashion and art, it was a fortuitous twist that led her to an unexpected promotion with BA National Candies™, a connection that would bring her to the heart of North Lumen, a little old unassuming candy store owned by Dulce.

Their story was set in motion, a world where reputation and connections mattered more than reality, but within this complex web of intrigue, two souls found each other, their fates intertwined in unexpected ways.

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