Chapter 19

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Tap tap tap tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap tap-
"Uuuuhhh GOD, PLEASE take me away from thiiiis..." Sammy groaned as she nearly slumped over her computer desk.  Of course, she couldn't because she was fully hooked in, visor and all. The smelly old thing COULD have been upgraded months ago, but the new parts are made with so much lower quality that it would risk all 3,000 terabytes of work (and 17,000 terabytes of high quality anime, some being so rare and old the characters depicted still had functioning gills, scales, and PROFOUNDLY bigoted facial features). No, she couldn't risk getting it updated now. She would just have to wait for a full replacement and move the data from one to the other.

That day couldn't come faster.

She had to do the mind-numbing work of editing celebrity photos this week because of their current collaboration with DNA Wholefillers and their plus-size summer cataloge coming out soon. She absolutely HATED working with these people. They brag about having such a wide variety of fits for everyone, but everything is made so fast and so poorly that its just sad to watch people be willing to put such slop on themselves. None of their designs looked good. They weren't unique, and if you ever complained about the quality, they would just try to sell you something else instead of fixing the issue.

This dress looks distressed, even in the photos they sent her, and she had to go about trying to make it look somewhat presentable. She ordered an outfit from them once just to see if the rumors were true, and she could have sworn they just tried to cover up a blood stain with an extra pocket. Which is really bad to see on a pair of brand new underwear. She'd join the boycott against them, but her mother doesn't seem to care what she had to say about them.

Tap tap tap. Sliiiide tap tap. Tap taptap tap.

"It was probably a fluke in the production, hon. I don't know why you felt the need to buy such a thing anyway. You're better than, ew, this thing." her moms voice crept into her mind like a quiet whisper."Poor people can't afford Bandaids, sweetie, that's why go to these galas, thays why we do this! Now put on some perfume like a lady and let's go." Ugh. Gross. Thinking about that memory made her feel gross in a way she couldn't describe. It's not weird for some dyes to get mixed up in production. Its not weird for a teenager to want to wear what her freinds are wearing, even if the most expensive thing they have to offer costs half the amount of pocket change you tend to carry when you go for a drive.  The poorest person she knew really DID have trouble affording band aids when they first met. What was it about that memory that felt icky?

"Okay, almost finished..." she carefully dragged her fingers over the hologram to raise the heavy burlap fabric she was working on to make it seem more flowy and soft. As if burlap sack could ever be as soft and airy as a chiffon chemise. Disgusting.  She just wants to watch sone frickin cartoons.


She kept from complaining, though, she WANTED this job, after all. Maybe she should treat herself after this. Maybe she should buy herself a new dress. One WORTH buying. She'll never wear it, of course, among all the others sitting in her closet, but she felt it was nice to see that side of herself from time to time. The more Sammy thought about the dress, the more unfocused she became. She started thinking about her belly.  Her hips and thighs. They've grown, but she can't tell whether her mom had noticed her new size. She couldn't let her mom find out she'd been getting bigger, or else she'd immediately make her start drinking that horrible tea and rabbit food again. A small plate of plain uncooked vegetables should NOT count as a meal. Why do the maids let her get away with this?


Saved. Copied. Sent. Freedom. And it couldn't come any sooner. She lifted her visor and took a look outside. It was approaching noon. She leaned back in her chair and reached as high up to the ceiling as she could, releasing so much tention from her body that her whole being unintentionally quaked as if she was in an earthquake, before gently releasing all the pain and ache she had been feeling from her workout.  

She then saved her work once more (for good mesure) and closed the window before opening her files and turning on Hair Piece to decompress. She has already watched this episode, but she was looking for details to make fun of alongside her many online friends.

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