Chapter 14

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Sammy emerged from the stage of water like a swan, beautifully adorned in a clear shimmering robe and trouser set that glimmered and glowed so bright that it left rainbow in every direction should even a thread catch sunlight. The jewels that bedazzled her thinly veiled curves were the same as the ones she collected with Dulce, but cleaned and cut and polished to perfection. The gargantuan boa wrapped around her shoulders had titanium white feathers that were so light they danced with no wind, and shielded her now buzzed off hair from the cold. The only bit of darkness that touched her skin were the deep, ruby red ballet slippers and visor sunglasses, both of which perfectly color matched the red, simple dot of lipstick on her lips.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Sammy rises up just enough to take a few breaths of air before submerging herself again.

2. 2. 3. 4.

Next was Dulces turn to exit the water clearly taller and more healthy than he is in reality. His locs were braided and styled with sapphires and pearls, dressed in a tailored tuxedo trimmed with silvery threads and platinum star shaped studs. The fabric his tux was made from looked to sparkle even in darkness z one could easily believe that the clothing was made from thousands of pounds of glitter all neatly woven into the thread that made it. His shoes were glass platformed loafers, giving even more inches to his newfound height. When he turned to face her, he held out hin hand, signaling her to come closer.

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Sammy rises up again for a few more breaths. Dulce feels a bead of sweat roll down his lip, interrupting his rhythmic counting for only a second.

3. 2. 3. 4.

Sammy leaps across the stage and literally flies into Dulce's arms, landing as lightly as the feathers in her boa onto him, and he spun her around like his new bride as the sage slowly filled with prismatic clouds, his toes gently hopping around and dodging the sea snakes that continuously attempted and failed to grab at either one of them. His final leap deant them into the sky, hundreds of thousands of feet into the air, where the clouds slowly morphed from sky to blank sheets of paper. The papers started bleeding with ink, revealing divorce papers, photos of children, paternity tests and X-rays. There were news articles and deeds to endless amounts of land. Contracts, compromises, copies after copies after copies but the rising didn't stop. Soon, they were surrounded by the darkness of outer space, with nothing but a galaxy of possibilities to explore.

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Sammy rose up one more time, taking in a deep breath of air. At the very same time, so does Dulce.

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Sammy looked out at the stars in awe, completely enraptured by the sublime nature of their universe. Millions of twinkling lights twirling and dancing and flashing in colors she could not even begin to describe. The sounds of children giggling and camera flashes quietly echoed from every direction, soothing her like a lullaby. Asteroids made of unfamiliar pink and orange fish flew by and left trails of fireworks behind them. When she turned her head to look down at the world they just left, it was completely covered in fabric, slowly being crushed into shape by a gigantic recreation of her mother's white sleeveless wedding dress. The silk writhed and hissed in agony tearing itself apart. The mermaid tail of it wrapped around it like a snake, crushing the mountains and spilling the seas into the desert. The citrine and peridot beads that were sculpted into scales scooped out entire cities, flattening them between their layers.

5. 6. 7.

The sensors in Sammy's bathroom indicate that REM sleep is soon to appear, and they signal to the bathtub to raise her head up out of the water. Dulce lowered himself to the floor, as his eyes fluttered and drifted to his floor mat. He called into his blankets and quietly prayed his friend still liked him at all, and that one day he would finally be good enough for someone. But in his mind he knew he would never truly be strong enough or brave enough or sweet enough to be anyone's number one. Not as himself.

This is going to be a doozy.

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