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After thinking about yesterday event my mood was sour and gloomy .
When I entered the entrance of university I was startled coz of my one only frnds who can make me angry and happy at the same time.
After seeing me startled they started laughing at me.
Oh my Elena!! Look at your face babe. What happened to you what are u thinking so deeply that u didn't even notice ur sexy frends.... Isha said while flipping her hair back.
Yeah what are u thinking and also what that guy said u yesterday making ustorm ur feet..... Asked John curiously.
Actually he said me to come at his house to study to improve my grades. This  guy really has guts to order me around but I am also not easy to bend and I'll see how he make me do things which I don't want to do huhhh..
Then suddenly they all started laughing hard while clutching thier stomach.
I just rolled my eyes seeing my friends not believing me and started to go in class then they also follow me to go to the class.
After all the clases ended I straight away went to principles office.

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