02 | Estranged

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Orlando Romano
New York City, New York

Orlando RomanoNew York City, New York

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2:15 pm
Tuesday, June 7th, 2023

"I'm just saying, Orlando. I think it's time you get back out there." Alex, my partner of nine years said as we sat at our desks.

"Uh, yeah no. I'll know when it's time. I don't need one of these little blind dates you and Marigold be concocting together." I chuckled as I drunk some of my coffee.

"Hey, not too much on me and my wife. We try." He shrugged as we chuckled together.

Our laughing died down as a woman approached us. "Spoke too soon." Alex said as we looked up at the woman.

"Orlando Romano ?" She questioned. I squinted my eyes. "Who wants to know?" I asked. "I'm Detective Ashley Martin with the Green County police in Quaker Field, Virginia. We've been trying to contact you in regards of your brother's death."

I placed down my coffee cup and folded my hands. "O-Owen? Owen's dead?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'll leave you two to talk. I'll be back in a few man." Alex dismissed himself as I got up from my desk and offered Ashley my seat while I sat on the desk.

"He's been in Virginia this whole time?" I questioned trying to wrap my head around all of this.

"Yes. For the past 12 years that is where he's been. He has a wife and two children. Your brother died last Tuesday. We have his murderer in custody right now."

I looked over to her. "Who is it?" I asked. "His wife. A Mrs. Micaela McDonald, Micaela Brown before then. How long has it been since you've spoken with your brother?" She asked pulling out a pen and pad.

"I haven't spoken with Owen or seen him in almost 13 years. After the accident he kind of disappeared. We were gonna bring him in for questioning but he had already skipped town." I said as I folded my arms and sat back.

"Accident? What accident?" She asked. I sighed as I closed my eyes and the images ran through my mind. I winced at the thought.

"Owen's former wife was found murdered in their home. She was six months pregnant with their son. Her throat was slit and she had bruises covering her entire body. I was the one who found her." I said as I shifted in my seat. "I went to go tell my brother about it but before I could he had already left town. We spent months looking for him only for my boss to finally tell us to through the case out."

I looked over at her as she kept jotting down what I was saying. "I always felt as though he did it. The timing was always off. You don't know Owen Romano like I do."

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