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Orlando Montgomery
Quaker Field, Virginia
August 13th, 2023

I sat in my car as I looked over the file of pictures I had gotten in the mail from Alex about a week ago

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I sat in my car as I looked over the file of pictures I had gotten in the mail from Alex about a week ago.

I sat in my car as I looked over the file of pictures I had gotten in the mail from Alex about a week ago

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My phone then rung as I looked down and saw Alex's contact appear

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My phone then rung as I looked down and saw Alex's contact appear. On the second ring, I answered.

"Hey, did you get the pictures I mailed over?" Alex asked as I grabbed the pictures and got out of my car and tried dodging the drizzles of rain. I was sure we were getting a storm tonight.

"Yeah, they just came in. Thank you again for doing this." I said as I walked into the townhome I was renting.

"And hey, I don't mean to be in your business but— why don't you just go talk to him?" He asked just as I took off my coat and shoes and placed my keys in its holder.

I thought about it as I proceeded to take a seat on the sofa. "I'm just not ready to see that man face to face. I'm just—" I refrained myself from speaking anymore. I was too embarrassed to say that I was honestly scared to see my father again. Because even though my mother had forgiven him before she died, all I could see was the man that put us through hell for two years. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep my composure if I had met with him.

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