08 | My Husband's Twin Brother

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Micaela McDonald
Quaker Field, Virginia
Three Days Later

Micaela McDonaldQuaker Field, VirginiaThree Days Later

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"Let me see your face." Orlando asked as softly as he could. I played with my fingers, looking off to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"Micaela I swear—

"He was in here, Orlando." I spoke barely above a whisper as I looked behind me at the guard who stood outside and finally up at Orlando.

He quickly got up and came around to me as he examined my face. I could feel his anger arise but he still remained soft with me. "Don't you worry about a thing. I'll get it handled." He said sitting next to me.

I looked up at him as the tears slowly fell before I rested my head against his chest. "I got something waiting for all of them." He said as he softly rubbed my back.

"And I'll place security around your folks home. I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't get to them. You have my word, Micky." He kissed my forehead as his hand moved from my back to my shoulder. Offering me the needed comfort.

"That guard is in on it with him." I said bringing my head up. "He was the one who let him in. I'm not sure who's all involved. Look for the police officers that arrested me. You still have the badge numbers I gave you? Look for the ambulance that supposedly took him as well." I ranted, wanting Owen to be caught once and for all.

"I do." He said as I sat up. "Did he have on gloves when he was in here?" He questioned, standing up as he went in his brief case pulling out gloves along with some other materials.

"You about to sweep the place?" I asked. It then hit me. No one else used this room except for us. And cleanings of this side of the jail didn't happen until Saturday. It was now Thursday. "No, he didn't have on any gloves." I then watched as he began looking for any traces of Owen.

"Amateur." I mumbled thinking about how careless Owen was. The man was a complete psychopath and thought he had it all figured out. "How is Oakland doing in high school so far?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "She hasn't really mentioned anything to me. Nor to my parents. But maybe she has to you?" I asked.

I had finally let the older kids meet Orlando. All they knew was that their father had a twin brother and that Owen had disappeared. I didn't want to lie to my kids or dig myself into a deeper hole so I told them truth and answered any and all questions they may have had.

I knew that Oakland was having a hard time being in a new state, at a new school, with kids older than her. And being away from Moriah. The two were only a year apart and were connected at the hip. I knew this change was taken a toll on Moriah as well.

"She said she has a bully. You know one of those teenage girls who think they're Regina George." He chuckled. "But she's alright for the most part. Her grades are looking good. She even told me that she wants to be a detective just like me." He said as I seen the wide smile appear on his face.

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