03 | Owen McDonald

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Micaela "Micky" McDonald
Quaker Field, Virginia

Micaela "Micky" McDonaldQuaker Field, Virginia

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January 8th, 201013 years ago

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January 8th, 2010
13 years ago

My timer went off as I shut my book and rolled over to end it. I had 15 minutes to make it to my next class.

The professor had already sent us an email indicating that she would be out and that we would have a substitute.

I quickly slid into my shoes and threw on my backpack and was out of my dorm in two minutes. After leaving the dormitory, I got onto my bike and bikes the 3 minute ride to class.

Making it to the Science building ahead of time, I locked up my bike and took my time walking there.

Upon entering I was met face to face with the man I had met at the Christmas party only two weeks ago. "Hi, I'm Dr. McDonald. I'll be subbing for Ms. Westin today." He stuck out his hand as I took it.

"Hi." I said confused and quickly went to my seat. I was confused on why this guy was here. When we met at the party we did hit it off but we hadn't exchanged numbers.

I honestly felt that he was a little too old for me. I would be turning 20 next month and he was already 31. So I played it safe and didn't put in the effort to keep in contact.

As I looked up from my books my eyes landed on him. I couldn't lie though, he was a very attractive man. Stay focused, Micky. I tried to remind myself as I started on the work assigned on the board.

All throughout class I would catch him looking at me but I shook it off. There was no way I could go through with this. Could I?

I had to be realistic here. What did some 30-something-year-old man want with me? Shaking the thought from my mind, I focused back on the tasks at hand.

After 30 minutes had passed by, class had ended and I was on my way out when he stopped me. "Ms. Brown? May I speak with you?" He motioned for me to come over there to his desk.

Clutching onto my belongings, I walked over to him watching as the once-filled classroom became empty. "Yes?" I questioned.

"I had a really great time the other night. I remember you mentioned loving Jagged Edge. They have a concert coming to town next weekend and if it's okay with you, I'd like to take you." He said as my eyes left him and focused on the two tickets in his hand.

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