05 | Free of Him

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Micaela "Micky" McDonald
Quaker Field, Virginia
June 16th, 2023

Micaela "Micky" McDonaldQuaker Field, VirginiaJune 16th, 2023

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"Mama when are you coming home?" Oakland asked as I sighed thinking of an answer

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"Mama when are you coming home?" Oakland asked as I sighed thinking of an answer. They had no idea what I had done. Nor did they know that their father was dead. I had told them that he would be away for a while and couldn't receive calls because he had no service.

How could I tell them that? Owen was not meant to be a husband but he was a good father. I just wish things had happened differently.

"I'm not sure, baby. Mommy did something and I had to go away for a while—

I took the phone away from my ear as I broke down. Hearing her call my name, I cleared my throat and tried my best to sound okay. "I'm still here, baby." I sniffled, wiping away at my tears.

"When can we come see you?" She asked and I chuckled hearing Moriah and Serenity in the background begging to speak with me.

"Hey, my babies." I spoke into the phone, knowing she had put it on speaker so all of them could hear. "I'm not sure when, right now. I don't want y'all to see me like this. This is no place for you."

They were supposed to come and see me last week but I had decided against it. I wanted to see my children desperately but not in this way.

"It's not for you either!" Moriah called out. I sighed again. "How is everything going? Where are your brothers?" I asked, nodding my head at the guard who was giving me a signal that my time was almost up.

"Things are good. Papa is taking us fishing tomorrow." Oakland said.

"Mommy, Ezra keeps peeing the bed." I chuckled at Serenity. "He calls for you at night and ends up sleeping in my bed."

"Serenity, he's only four baby." I chuckled. But my heart broke that he would call out for me and I wasn't there to reach him.

"Chai got his first tooth, mama!" Moriah called out. I smiled. "I can't wait to see you guys again. I love y'all. And tell Papa to be careful before his back gives out trying to teach y'all how to fish. Man can't fish to save his life."

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