11 | Boys Don't Cry

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Merida, Mexico

"Daddy, I want to go home

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"Daddy, I want to go home." Ezra cried as he sat in the boat with his father. Lo's body sat wrapped up in sheets as Owen steered the boat to a secluded area.

"Stop that whining, Ezra. Always crying." Owen fussed making Ezra quickly wipe his tears. "Boy's don't cry."

When Owen said that a flashback instantly came to mind of his father. One that resurfaced every so often making him unable to forget.

New York City, New York

FlashbackNew York City, New York1988

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Owen wasn't always the "evil twin". He use to be just like Orlando but things changed when their father returned home from war.

Orlando believed it was him and his mother who always got the beatings from their father but it was Owen who he hit first.

Marco stumbled into the home just as Owen was closing the fridge. He raised his brow as he looked towards the living room, upon hearing the noise.

Taking the bread out of his mouth, he placed it down on the plate he had laid out on the kitchen table and headed towards the living room.

"Daddy?" He questioned. Seeing his father sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Owen always looked to his father as his hero, so it confused him on why his hero seemed so down.

He had never seen his father this way. And it had only seemed to get worse once he made it back home from war. From the drinking and coming home at wee hours and always arguing with their mother.

Owen was confused and just wanted his 'hero' back. "Daddy." Owen said a little louder this time but not so loud that he woke up his brother and mother.

"What, Owen?" Marco sighed as he looked up at his first born with a frown. Tonight hadn't been a good night for him. He had lost the job Carol had managed to get him and to top it off, he lost the rent money in a poker game only three hours ago.

Owen slightly jumped back at his father's outburst. "Did you want me to make you a pb and j?" He questioned pointing back towards the kitchen.

Marco sighed again as he rubbed his temples. Owen then noticed the bandage that decorated his right eye. "Who hurt you?" Owen asked walking up closer towards his father.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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