Last Time on Dragon Ball Ru...
Upon making their way home, Goku and Rito encountered a mysterious girl known as Golden Darkness, who not only turned to be an alien...but an infamous assassin hired by one of Lala's sutiors, Lacospo, to kill Goku. After sending his friend off, the young demi-saiyan held off his attacker until the the sudden arrival of Lala and Zastin.
However, Goku declared he will face Golden Darkness alone and he prepared to face the assassin. Will he emerge the victor? Find out now!
(Opening Theme -Hold My Hand)
"Saiyan Meets Assassin! Enter Golden Darkness Pt.2"
The sounds of classhing could heard throughout the construction site as Goku and Golden Darkness collided again and again.
The fighting titans broke apart, Golden Darkness rebounding off a wall and becoming a blur. Goku let out a war cry and mimicked the move then the two became nothing but black streaks that bounced all over the area where the demi-saiyan had held her off until that point.
Shockwaves pulsed all around the as the streaks met, bounced apart, met, bounced apart, only to meet again somewhere else, each meeting producing the waves that did everything from just create gusts of wind, to shattering boards and sending up swarms of leaves when the two met in the canopy.
Golden Darkness leaped at him and brought down both of her blade arms only for Goku to sidestep. She then quickly swung one horizontally as the young man jumped back.
A furious assault was begun by the girl as Goku parried each blow with his Power Pole. To the normal human eye, their fight would've been nothing but a blur due to their amazing speed.
The echoes of each blade being parried by the staff resounded throughout the area. It sounded as though someone was hammering away at steel.
The two's weapons collided, creating a small dust cloud but, much to Golden Darkness's shock, it was her who was overpowered and sent flying backwards. Not allowing his opponent time to recover, Goku launched after her.
"Incredible..." Zastin said in awe as he watched to duo fight.
"Go Goku!" Lala cheered happily, punching a fist into the air.
The demi-saiyan continued swinging his blade at the girl, each swing being powerful enough to sever steel but not sacrificing any accuracy or speed. However, Golden Darkness was meeting each strike with her own blade, matching his tempo. She then jumped backwards causing the boy to chase her. But this proved to be a mistake as the girl's hair then transformed into several small dragon heads that she sent flying towards him.
"Whoa!" Goku cried out before leaping out of the way, dodged the deadly strands. "That was close! My turn!"
Twirling his weapon, Goku pointed at the assasssin and shouted. "Power Pole EXTEND!"
What happened next utterly surprised Golden Darkness, as the staff's upper half suddenly stretch out and shot right towards her. "What!?" She muttered to herself, barely jumping out of the way as the staff slammed right into the spot she was in, creating a cloud of dust.
Dragon Ball Ru
FanfictionOver a hundred years after the Universal Tournament, Goku Sr.'s descendant, Son Goku Jr., lives a relatively normal life studying at school and training under the tutelage of his Grandmother Pan to become strong like his namesake. Things change when...