iii. Caroline Forbes

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"Hey, it's me again. Are you ready for another one hell of a ride? Well, fasten your seatbelts because this may or may not shock you. I'm going to be straightforward with this thing because you, too, were straightforward when you tried to hurt me.
Caroline Forbes, this one for you. Let's go back to the same year me and Stefan started hanging out
and then Matt and Tylor. You grew jealous because of Stefan and I were dating because of Matt and Tylor ever liked you, and it made everything worse for you because they both liked me better, the perfect girl. Look, I never really wanted you to date Tylor because he was toxic and he was a player. I just don't know what made you like him. Then you decide to invite me to a party and hand me a spiked drink. A few days later, you tell my mom I've been drinking and using drugs. You made my mom send me to an estranged aunt down in Texas for 4 months. you know what I had to go through there? No, I won't tell you because you feeling pity for me will have no use at all. I just can't find a reason to forgive you. But, I want you to know this, it's not my fault that you have terrible taste in men wasn't interested in you because they're toxics and a player. I could've helped you get Matt or Tyler back then."

Then it cuts back to silence. Caroline was mortified, her deepest secret was now a known fact. She felt horrible and embarrassed as she dealt with everyone's stares, each of them wondering how Vampire Barbie could do this, it was obvious to everyone that Caroline was jealous of Elena but to go this far over a guy.

The Mikaelsons and Salvatore's realized that no one was who they seemed to be, that this town was drenched in secrets.

And sooner or later the truth will come to light.

The Salvatore's just wished it didn't end this way, with Elena dead.

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