Teaser/ Beginning of Chapter 1: Who Do You Think You Are?

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Jiya felt as if she had been hit by a cargo train. Her head was killing her, thudding like a profusely beating drum. Her body ached and pained her terribly. She was scared to make any rash movements, scared that her condition could become gravely worse if she did so.

"Dear look! It seems like she's waking!" Jiya's ears swiftly picked up the worried but excited voice of her mother. She sounded as if she had been crying. Her voice was cracked and sore. The thought alone saddened Jiya beyond words.

"Beta, please open your eyes. Please!" Jiya listened to her father's cries quickly shooting her eyes open. Her father wasn't a man to cry or beg. The sound of his voice compelled her to shoot open her eyes with such a newfound determination.

She could finally see that she was lying in a hospital bed and that medical machines were dinging, ringing, and chiming all around her. 'What's even happened to me?' 'How did I end up like this?' were questions that began to flood her mind as she continued to evaluate the state she was in. She ran her fingers over her face feeling the heat of her bruises. Slowly she let her fingers caress the breathing tubes that occupied her nose.

"What happened?" Jiya finally had the courage to ask the question that was beginning to burn a hole in her head. Before either of her parents could answer a frantic man rushed into the room as if his life depended on it. The scent of him wafted around the room just as quickly as he did. He donned a suit a dark blue Armani suit tailored to fit his build flawlessly. The man leaned over her immediately as if to evaluate her condition up close and personally. Giving little to no care for her personal space. His Paul Newman vintage Rolex watch shined in her face almost making her go blind.

"How are you feeling baby? I'm so sorry this happened to you." The man expressed in mix of sorrow and infuriation. He locked his eyes to hers searching them deeply for any animosity she could be holding against him. He was glad to not find any. Jiya couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with how at ease he was just being so close to her and touching her. The man started to notice the hesitation and confusion in her eyes and gave her a small amount of space, but not too much.

"Maa, Baba, this is so low even for you both!" Jiya eyed her parents shamefully as she looked from the man to the two who brought her into the world. Now it was everyone else's turn to be confused. Even though the woman was in pain she let out a scoff in the man's face.

"This is who you wish to arrange my marriage to?! A watered-down wannabe Shah Rukh Khan look-a-like? I'm here in pain and you bring this man here to woo me?!" Jiya scoffed again letting out a small laugh that hurt her ribs. She could only assume whoever the man was, was someone her father wanted to arrange her with. This was not out of his ballpark to do to her. Her father would bring men by their home, to her work, even once while Jiya was at the gym. Jiya would turn them all down one by one to her father's dismay.

"Beta, are you all right?" Jiya's father rested his wrinkled mature hand over hers. Her mother held her hand to her face in more worry than before as she gazed on at her child. The man seemed almost speechless, but full of thought as he continued to stare at her never taking his eyes off of her.

"I'm fine. I just don't know why you asked this man to be here." Jiya gestured to the man keeping her eyes on her parents until she turned back to him not backing down from his glare.

"Sir, I can understand if you have money and are well off. That's nice you made something of yourself, but I'm not interested at all. Even if you do look slightly like Shah Rukh Khan... you still aren't him. I'm sorry my father has wasted your time. You may leave now." Jiya smiled falsely with a short shrug on her shoulders. All she wanted to do now was figure out what happened to her and get well so she could go back to running her start-up fashion business.

"I'll go retrieve a doctor." Jiya's mother murmured shortly before briskly making her way out of the hospital room. She noticed her mother seemed to be going pale as if she were going to faint. Her father without a word to Jiya, looked to the man placing his hand on his shoulder comfortingly before following after his wife. Jiya's mother was known to get too worked up with worry and faint in a panic when too stressed. Jiya could understand why her father followed her out so quickly. What she didn't understand was why the man wasn't budging to go as she told him to.

"Why won't you leave?" Jiya asked abrasively to the man who now sadly smiled at her. He had found a seat next to her placing himself in it against her wishes.

"What kind of husband would I be if I left my wife in this state." He replied seriously, his face was now filled with sadness, worry, and confusion. He held his hand up straight confidently showing her the gold wedding band that adorned his finger. Jiya was taken aback by his words. Investigating her own hand she finally noticed the gleaming piece of extravagant jewelry that adorned it. She eyed it as if it were a bomb strapped to her finger. 'J+K' Jiya thought to herself as she let her eyes fall back to the man who couldn't seem to fully relax, but continued to never let his eyes leave her.

"J+K" Jiya repeated the letters on the engraved ring looking to the man for the answer.

"Jiya + Krish. My name is Krish Khanna. I've been your husband for the last 10 years."

Author's Note: Got a tad bit bored writing Lust is Friendship today and decided to start a little bit of Absent-Minded (Which I actually have an outline for, unlike LUST! It's hard sometimes making every chapter right in my head. So this time I have structure and will hopefully write faster!)

What do you guys think? Does the plot seem workable or interesting if not I have other story ideas!

P.S. I won't really start writing anything else until I finish LUST, I know I already update at a snail's speed LOL!

Thanks for Reading the teaser for Absent-Minded!

XOXO Von-rable

♡︎ ♡︎

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