Chapter 5: Who Can You Trust?

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Jiya's feet were growing weary. Her arms were straining from carrying her duffle bag for such a lengthy distance. Where was she going? She didn't know, but she kept pushing forward. She just had to keep pushing forward. Jiya kept her head low and her face covered as she passed strangers in the busy city of Mumbai. Loud city noises and people's chatters and yells flooded the overcrowded streets. Jiya felt lost and all alone. She was paranoid and scared. Never had she been out and about just walking by herself, especially in the middle of the night, but here she was. There was no turning back now.

Suddenly she collided with an unknown figure, to the ground she fell with a thud on her rear end. Her mind raced back to her car accident. Everything had happened at the speed of light. The impact from the car that struck her head on. The harsh pain she experienced that coursed throughout her body. The terror of not knowing where she was or how she got there before she blacked out and drifted away. She assumed she was dying. 

"I'm sorry let me get that for you."

Jiya dusted herself off before looking up at the stranger....The handsome stranger. Hastily he grabbed her packed bag from where it lay on the disgusting walkway. His big brown eyes poured into hers as he reached out his hand to help her from where she sat. Hesitantly, she reached for his hand but pulled away before their skin met. 'I should communicate with strangers. I have to focus on getting to my parents.'  Jiya mentally coached herself. The man's expression seemed to be sincere. He almost looked as if he were worried about her. 

"I just want to help you up." The stranger murmured reassuringly. Here a nice simaritian was just trying to be friendly. What was Jiya being so cautious about? Taking his hand, the man swiftly pulled Jiya to her feet with the mighty strength of his forearm. Now she could get a better view of him. The man was tall with a muscular build. He had to be a boxer or fighter of some sort. His dark brown hair hung to his shoulders and freely waved in the breeze surrounding them. His face was chiseled to perfection. He was good-looking Jiya couldn't deny it. 'Not as handsome as Krish.' Jiya thought in her mind. Wait why was she comparing them? 

"What's your name?" The man asked kindly. He flashed her a reserved smile. Jiya kept her eyes from his and instead focused on his hand holding hers gently.

"Ishita" Jiya lied quickly, shaking his hand to greet him. Though she didn't feel like she was famous, she knew that she was. Her accident had littered the covers of news articles, magazines, and social media. The wife of a rich man, Krish Khanna. She was a Khanna.

"I'm Kumar. Please let me buy you a coffee as an apology to warm you up. Your skin is ice cold." Kumar expressed with a face of concern. He was right. Jiya had been walking aimlessly for at least an hour. A cup of coffee did sound nice. Jiya could have also used some time to rest and get off of her feet. Shit, she still didn't know if going to her parents was the right choice. More time to ponder on it would do her some good.

"Ok." Jiya replied shortly. The two made their way down the strip to the nearest coffee shop. They sat and waited for their orders of coffee. Neither of them spoke. Jiya's nerves were getting the best of her. She felt weird sitting across from the unknown man. She wasn't great with small talk or starting a conversation. Where would she even begin?

"Why are you out walking so late with such a heavy bag?" Kumar ripped off the bandaid. Jiya was glad their coffees had finally made it to the table. Quickly, Jiya took her mug and held it to her lips taking a long sip of the piping hot liquid. She didn't care if it burned her tongue. She would rather her tongue be burnt so she didn't have to answer the question at all.

"You're not running away are you?" Kumar joked with a chuckle. Jiya held her neck in her hands from almost choking on her drink at the statement. Kumar took her mug from her grasp and sat onto the table between them.

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