CONTINUED Chapter 1: Who Do You Think You Are?

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The morning was just like any other at the Khanna mansion. Noise filled the home as the Khanna kids ran around their massive family kitchen. Yash found it necessary to chase his little sister Divya since she had found it necessary to slap him hard in the face to wake him up this fine morning.

"Children stop running." Krish expressed authoritatively to his children.  He had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Groggy and disoriented. Their sprinting around the kitchen almost caused his hot coffee to spill down the front on him and ruin his favorite Italian suit. A deep frown spread across his face as he imagined the disaster that could have happened. 

"She hit me, Dad! I'm going to make her pay for it!" Yash yelled in his tiny voice still full of vengeance towards his little sister who was still far from his reach. Determined, his little feet kept their pace in hopes of catching up to her and grabbing a hold of her to get his revenge. 

"What is this I hear someone is going to pay. " Jiya questioned as she sashayed elegantly into the kitchen; being the last of the Khanna family members to enter the space. She was currently multi-tasking with her tablet in her hand to plan out her whole day. Being the true businesswoman she was Jiya crossed her own T's and dotted her own I's not trusting anyone to plan her own days out but herself. Today she sported an outfit nothing less than extravagant, being the multi-million fashion house owner she was, every day was a new style venture. A custom Givenchy dress paired with her favorite Jimmy Choos paired with a handbag of her own creation. 

"Div is going to pay!" Yash continued on running but came to a stop when Krish swiftly used his strong arm to grab a hold of Yash's target holding the small giggling girl known to be his daughter in his embrace to keep her from her older brother, who was much shorter and couldn't reach her.

"No one is going to pay for anything. We don't fight. We only love in this household." Krish equally shared eye contact with both of his children assertively. Divya sighed taking her father's words in. She laid her head on her father's shoulder feeling guilty for hitting her brother for no real reason whatsoever.

"Apologize to your brother and you both hug it out." Jiya insisted as Krish placed the little one on the floor in front of her bigger brother who waited impatiently for her apology with his arms crossed. Angry was still evident on his face. 

"I'm sorry I hit you, Yash." Divya's voice quietly murmured, a frown still adorning her little face. She stretched her arms out wide waiting for a hug from the person most upset with her. Though he didn't want to, a smile came to the boy's face as he embraced her. He knew he couldn't say made at her for long. He never could. 

"I forgive you, but next time it'll get ugly." He whispered the last part quietly in her ear placing fear in the small girl's heart and causing her eyes to widen.

Jiya smiled as she witnessed the scene in front of her. She could always commend her husband for being such a great father; On top of working long and tedious hours managing a billion-dollar corporation. Krish always made time when it was necessary to be a father who taught their children valuable life lessons such as loving one another and the importance of apologizing.

"Well, Mommy has to go give me hugs too." Jiya said shrinking to their tiny sizes and holding her arms out wide. Neither of the children wasted time getting to their mother for hugs and kisses goodbye. Knowing they wouldn't see her or their father until it was time for them to be tucked into bed. Their nanny was amazing, but both kids wished their parents were more available to them.

"Have a good day at work Love." Krish murmured in a drifting voice as he glanced at his wife quickly before turning back to his phone to read into an urgent email he had just received. Jiya didn't take it personally, she would have honestly done the same. With both of them being busy CEOs they understood each other. His brushing her off was fine and a regular day.

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