Chapter 4: Is She Gone Like The Wind?

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The sun shined brightly and selfishly through the large floor-length window panes that overlooked Jiya Khanna's luxurious bedroom. Jiya shut her eyes tighter in hopes of keeping the light out completely. She wasn't ready to start her day. She was too comfortable. The most comfortable she had slept since being in the unfamiliar home. Jiya stretched her arms before relaxing them again and wrapping them around what she thought to be her pillow. She nuzzled her face against the soft material she was laying against. Soothing herself back to sleep. 

"You okay baby?" A husky voice asked breathed. Jiya absent-mindedly nodded her head yes as she attempted to drift back into dreamland.... 'WAIT. Who said that?!' Jiya thought to herself in her mind. Abruptly she opened her eyes to see her alleged husband with his eyes closed...Her head had been lying on his bare chest and her arms wrapped around him securely. Jiya gasped in horror as she sat up. She separated herself from the man. She was completely awake and alert now in disbelief. Her mind was riddled with questions. The first was...

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" Jiya shrieked in shock. Her voice had scared away the birds chirping morning greetings outside, but not her husband. Krish sighed in annoyance, he didn't want to hear the dramatics. He couldn't understand why his wife was yelling so loudly. Slowly he opened his eyes to look at the frazzled woman. If looks could kill he'd die right there in bed next to her. Krish yawned not moving a muscle. He assumed Jiya would be upset, but not like this.

"I'm right here you don't have to yell." Krish insisted in a soft tone. Jiya huffed in anger as she brought her bed sheets up to her neck. She could only imagine what he could have done to her in her sleep. She slept in her usual silk nightie, but last night neglected to wear underwear or any other undergarments. It had been a few days since she had come home from the hospital. She was starting to feel at ease in the personal space she called her room. Assuming that her room would be her private place and sanctuary from her false life she was living beyond her bedroom door, but clearly it wasn't.

"I couldn't sleep, Jiya." Krish confessed simply. He had been sleeping next to the woman for the last 10 years. Being alone in their huge empty bed had been keeping him up the last few nights. Last night, he made an executive decision. If she wouldn't sleep with him. He would sleep with her. Just like any other grown man Krish needed his cuddles too.

"What does that have to do with me?! This is my room, Krish! You can't just break in here as you please!" Jiya loudly insisted she tried to move from the bed but Krish quickly wrapped his arms around her holding her in place and keeping her to his side. Weirdly, Jiya relaxed in his embrace. She couldn't understand how his touch calmed her so easily. It was almost innate... like Krish said before. Her body remembered him. 

"I'm sorry. Can you stop yelling now?" Krish asked politely in her ear. He made his eyes big as if he were a little child. A blush had risen to Jiya's cheeks against her will. Krish smirked to himself, proud of being able to silence her. Testing the woman's limits further he laid his head on his wife's lap as he looked up at her gleefully. Jiya had become flustered not knowing what to do or how to get away from the crazy man. Her heart was beating crazily and her hands were shaking with anxiety.

"We have an agreement, Krish. I don't feel comfortable---" Jiya began softly but Krish spoke over her in amusement. Last night was a different story. 

"You slept all through the night baby. You were more than comfortable. Any time I tried to adjust myself you would whine and pull me back to you." Krish clarified to Jiya's horror. He wasn't lying or telling a half-truth either. When he came into the bedroom in the middle of the night he had no plans of even touching her. He knew her presence was all he needed for a restful slumber. It was Jiya who fit her body into his like a puzzle piece and clung to him desperately as if her life depended on it throughout the night.

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