Chapter 3: Nanyi is Targeted

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Chapter 3: Nanyi is Targeted

Nanyi revealed his endearing smile.

Hand sign: "Thank you."

The butler responded with a warm smile, "I understood that one. But you needn't thank me; it's my duty."

It had been a while since Nanyi felt this comfortable around someone. He grew fond of the butler.

After a refreshing shower and changing into clean clothes, Nanyi, despite his aching legs, made his way to the dining table.

Since Heyu Shen had decided to keep him, he might as well make himself at home.

After all, he always felt invisible, whether at the Nan residence or the He residence, it mattered little to Nanyi.

"Mr. Nan, your breakfast is ready."

The butler attentively pulled out a chair for him.

Feeling unexpectedly honored, Nanyi quickly gestured another 'thank you.'

"What a mute!"

A disdainful remark came from a refined-looking young man seated nearby. Nanyi, accustomed to such comments, merely glanced at the youth, who appeared roughly his age.

Not angry, just curious about the boy's identity.

"Xiao Jing!"

The butler furrowed his brows and chided softly.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it!" The youth retorted, clearly annoyed. Before Nanyi could even begin, he had already started helping himself to the food.

"Why would you..." The butler started, his face etched with concern, but stopped mid-sentence.

Nanyi, in the meantime, began his meal, taking delicate bites.

In contrast, the youth opposite him ate rather unrefinedly. He sneaked glances at the more refined Nanyi.

Deliberately blocking Nanyi's chopsticks as he reached for a piece of chicken, he remarked, "With Shen not around, who are you trying to impress?"

Despite being accustomed to verbal jabs, Nanyi's complexion still paled slightly.

He looked up at the handsome boy, perplexed by the depth of the animosity directed at him.

The one named Xiao Jing cast a disdainful glance at Nan Yi, set down his finished meal, grabbed his backpack, and walked out the door.

Nan Yi stared at his retreating figure for a long while. By the time he returned to his senses and began picking up food again, the butler, who had briefly left the dining table, walked in.

Nan Yi turned to the kind-faced butler and began typing on his phone.

Each keystroke was accompanied by a frog's croak, a sound that Nan Yi cherished.

[Who was that young man?] He showed the screen to the butler.

The butler hesitated for a moment, "That's my son, Song Jing," he said with a troubled expression, "I've spoiled him."

Nan Yi was equally taken aback. He had assumed the omega youth was either He Yushen's beloved or perhaps a cousin. He never imagined he'd be just the butler's son.

"Xiao Jing has no filter when speaking. I sincerely apologize, Mr. Nan. If this happens again, I'll be sure to discipline him." The butler bowed to Nan Yi, who quickly rose to steady him.

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now