Chapter 96: The Person at the Hospital is Nanzhi

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Chapter 96: The Person at the Hospital is Nanzhi

Nanyi moved the chair he had used to hang the roses back inside and took another moment to admire the flowers.

The bright red blossoms against the deep blue sky, gently swaying in the wind, made for a beautiful spring scene.

Nanyi reached for his phone, only to realize he had no pockets; his phone was downstairs in the living room.

"Madam, there's a call for you."

Just as he thought to head downstairs, the butler appeared, holding his constantly ringing phone.

"Who is it?" Heyu Shen asked casually.

"I'm not sure."

Nanyi immediately answered, "Hello?"

"Nanyi! Even if you don't particularly like my mother and me, how could you treat dad this way?"

The sharp reprimand echoed from the phone, unmistakably from the ever-aloof Nanxin.

Nanyi: ...................

"And there's that two-faced Nanzhi! Both of you are equally disgusting!"

"Xinxin! Speak respectfully to your brother! Stick to the matter at hand," came the voice of Nanzhai Min, reprimanding Nanxin.

With a frown of distaste, Nanyi distanced the phone from his ear, swiftly hanging up, blocking the number in one smooth motion.

"Has Heyu Shen not returned yet?"

Nanyi wasn't perturbed by the call and merely posed the question to the butler.

The butler shook his head in response.

Heyu Shen had left early in the morning with Xiaobao to visit Ling Ran. Nanyi had indulged himself by staying home. To his surprise, it was already noon, and Heyu Shen had yet to return.

However, considering both grandfathers hadn't seen Xiaobao in a week, they likely wouldn't return the child home too early.

Seeing no sign of their return anytime soon, Nanyi decided to retreat to his private room and began sketching.

Lately, he managed to maintain only one update per week. His comic series was nearing its conclusion, and Nanyi's online pseudonym had garnered many new fans.

His work was even gaining traction, and the sense of accomplishment made Nanyi feel a hint of pride.

As the afternoon approached, there was still no sign of Heyu Shen. Instead, Nanyi received an urgent call from the alpha.

"Honey, what happened to you?!"

Nanyi, upon answering: ?

"What do you mean, 'what happened?'"

"Hu Wen said he just saw you at the hospital. What's wrong? Why didn't you tell me? Stay put. I'm on my way and will be at the hospital soon."

Nanyi: !!!

"I'm not at the hospital?"

The comic he was working on was left unsaved. Startled, Nanyi abruptly stood up, knocking the chair backward with a loud crash.

"It's Nanzhi! Why is he at the hospital? Please, make sure he stays there."

Overwhelmed, Nanyi rushed out the door in his slippers.

He feared that if he missed seeing Nanzhi now, he wouldn't know how long it would be before their next encounter.

"Alright, take your time coming over. Let Xiao Wang pick you up."

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now