Chapter 103: Meeting with Song Jing

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Chapter 103: Meeting with Song Jing

When He Yushen arrived at the old mansion after work, he was persuaded by Ling Ran to stay for dinner.

By the time they left the mansion, it was already 8:30 in the evening.

After reaching home and freshening up, it was 10:30 pm. As Nan Yi, fighting off sleep, was fiddling with his phone in He Yushen's arms, He Yushen received a call.

It was Yan An, whom he hadn't heard from in a long time.

"He Yushen, Song Jing wants to see you."

Nan Yi: .............

"You better not go." As soon as Yan An finished speaking, Nan Yi murmured with a frown.

After all this time, why was Song Jing still lingering around? He and He Yushen were legally married now.

He wasn't about to let He Yushen meet someone who harbored unrequited feelings for him.

Why did He Yushen attract so much romantic attention?

"So annoying." Nan Yi grumbled again in displeasure.

"Yan An, I won't go." He Yushen soothingly ruffled Nan Yi's hair.

"Song Jing grew up with you. I know you've always seen him as a younger brother. Please meet him just once."

Yan An's tone was pleading, palpable even through the phone.

Nan Yi stiffened, gazing upward in surprise at He Yushen, who sat at the head of the bed answering the call, with his own head resting on the alpha's stomach.

With a furrowed brow, He Yushen asked, "Where is he now?"

"At my place."

Even though Yan An hadn't elaborated, both sensed that something was amiss.

"Tonight is not possible."

"How about tomorrow? Come over early in the morning, please." There was an urgency in Yan An's voice.


With He Yushen's agreement, Yan An quickly hung up.

"Come with me tomorrow." Before Nan Yi could recover from his daze, He Yushen shifted closer to the center of the bed, cradling the head that had just been resting on his abdomen in his arm.

"Is it appropriate?" Although Nan Yi wasn't keen on He Yushen meeting Song Jing, given Yan An's tone, he felt the matter was pressing.

"Why wouldn't it be? Sleep now, and we'll go together in the morning."

He Yushen placed his hand over Nan Yi's eyes, coaxing him to sleep, and Nan Yi obediently closed his eyes.

"He Yushen, why are you so kind to Song Jing?"

How was it that a butler's son lived with the main family in the upper floors of the mansion, dined with He Yushen, and even had custom-tailored clothes?

Plus, He Yushen gave him money to spend.

"When we were kids, he saved me."

"What?" Nan Yi's previously closed eyes fluttered open, his eyelashes brushing against He Yushen's palm, causing a tickling sensation.

Suddenly pushing away the hand covering his eyes, he stared wide-eyed in the pitch-black room, filled with astonishment.

He Yushen chuckled softly, holding him close as he whispered, "When I was about seven or eight, I ran away from home in anger. I didn't realize that Song Jing had been following me. Being just two years into walking, he lagged far behind."

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now