Chapter 19: Father and Son at Loggerheads

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Chapter 19: Father and Son at Loggerheads

The pheromones of the two alphas clashed in the air,

Changing the expressions of everyone in the room.

The most affected were the two fragile omegas, especially the lower-ranked omega, Nan Yi.

He was barely able to stand.

Song Jing, already positioned behind He Yu Shen, stumbled a few steps, leaning heavily on He Yu Shen's back. "Brother Shen..."

As He Yu Shen turned to support the omega behind him, Nan Yi, with sweat drenching his forehead and his lips turning pale, collapsed onto a sofa.

He Yu Shen shot a concerned glance at Nan Yi, who had fallen back onto the couch, his brows tightly knitted.

The peppermint pheromones in the air began to fade, replaced by the rose-like soothing scent. The faces of the two Omegas became slightly more flushed.

Yet such a gentle pheromone still felt repulsive to the others, all of whom were alphas.

The alphas shielding Nan Yi had a noticeable pallorbeneath their sunglasses.

But all Nan Yi could think was, "Why are they wearing sunglasses at night?"

"Let me go."

A voice, gentle yet distant, abruptly broke the silence, weakening even the rose-scented soothing pheromones in the air.

It was Ling Ran, who He Zhan was holding, now awake.

His face was stern, devoid of the earlier warmth and kindness; he looked at He Zhan with evident loathing.

He Zhan ignored his plea, merely commenting, "Why didn't you come to me when you returned?"

He Yu Shen released his hold on Song Jing, casting a frosty gaze toward the two separated by a line of alphas.

"I said, let me go!"

Ling Ran's voice was sharp and piercing, and his chest heaved with anger.

His struggles were evident, and even through the crowd, Nan Yi could see the veins bulging on his hands.

But He Zhan only slightly furrowed his brow, rendering the person in his embrace immobile.

He Yu Shen retorted, "He asked you to let him go. Are you deaf?"

The tension was palpable. Even Song Jing, who usually loved to draw attention, didn't dare to breathe too loudly.

Perhaps at this moment, He Yu Shen was genuinely enraged. Nan Yi, not too far away from him, shivered just from sitting there.

That wolfish, predatory gaze seemed as if it might leap out and devour He Zhan the next instant.

It was evident that both He Yu Shen and his omega father deeply despised the still intimidating He Zhan, even in his pajamas.

He Yu Shen took a few steps forward, prompting all the alphas to immediately close in protectively.

"You wish to take him back? Back to that filthy excuse for a home?"

"You think you're still worthy of allowing him to step into that nauseating place?"

The hand, hanging by the side of his garment, trembled slightly. Nan Yi stared, momentarily entranced by those slender fingers.

The person before him was truly resistant to He Zhan taking Ling Ran away.

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