Chapter 72: He Yu Shen Meets Nan Zhi

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Chapter 72: He Yu Shen Meets Nan Zhi

At the hospital.

The alpha, clad in a bespoke high-end suit, stood indifferently outside the emergency room.

His profound eyes fixated on the illuminated sign reading "Emergency Room."

The cuff of his black suit bore a darker hue, stained with traces of blood on the back of his hand.

His heart, which had been racing just moments ago, had now calmed.

He Yu Shen had initially planned to rush home right after work to be with his fragrant Omega.

However, an unexpected visit from someone of importance delayed his departure.

By the time he bid his guest farewell, it was already dark. Little did he anticipate that he would collide with a pedestrian who wasn't watching the road while holding an umbrella.

A familiar face lying in a pool of blood nearly stopped his heart.

The sight of the omega's face, combined with the feeling of weak knees, still sends chills down his spine when recalled.

Had it not been for the overpowering scent of oranges, He Yu Shen might not have even mustered the courage to check on the injured Omega.

After the Omega was taken by the ambulance, he was desperate to hear the voice of the Omega at home.

When the soft and somewhat sluggish voice, slower than usual, reached him, he exhaled in relief.

"The patient is stable, only sustaining some injuries to the foot. Who's the family?"

The emergency room door opened, and the doctor posed the question immediately.

Only He Yu Shen and his driver awaited outside.

He Yu Shen stepped forward, "His family isn't here."

"Are you his friends? The patient needs to be admitted. Please handle the hospitalization fees, and we'll need the patient's identification."

He Yu Shen's brows slightly knitted upon hearing the doctor's words.

"The ID is here, Mr. He. It's in his bag!"

He Yu Shen's driver rummaged through the bag and, unexpectedly, located the ID.

"His name is... Nan Zhi."

The driver handed the identification over to He Yu Shen.

Catching a glimpse of the photo, He Yu Shen momentarily paused.

Having seen a face that resembled the little one at home, he had already deduced the Omega's identity.

Now, he was even more certain.

He Yushen breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, Nanzhi wasn't seriously injured. If he had accidentally hurt the younger brother of the boy, he wasn't sure if he would be upset.

"You pay for it and get the best room available."

"I'll take the car."

The ID in He Yushen's hand was handed back to the driver. Affected by the high-quality Omega pheromones, he urgently needed to recharge.

"Understood, Mr. He."

After getting in the car, the alpha first injected a suppressant. The speed of the vehicle noticeably increased.

In the hospital, after Nanzhi was wheeled out by the doctor, he realized there was only a beta standing in the corridor.

His brow furrowed, and his already pale face seemed even more solemn.

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