Chapter 15: He's Going on a Business Trip

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Chapter 15: He's Going on a Business Trip

The already seated alpha raised an eyebrow, glancing sidelong at He Yu.

Liu Yue teased, "Rarely goes outside? Planning to keep a beauty hidden away?"

"Such a cute little omega. Isn't it a bit dull if he can't talk?"

Nan Yi: ...?

He Yu's cold gaze lifted, his brow furrowing as he looked at the smiling Liu Yue.

"Once you're done measuring, leave."

Liu Yue clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

Gracefully rising, she announced, "I'm off."

"Till next time, cutie." As Liu Yue passed byNan Yi, she playfully caressed his face, catching him off-guard.

By the time a blush crept onto his face, Liu Yue had already left.

After Liu Yue's departure,

Only the three of them remained in the living room, with Nan Yi still unable to meet the gaze of the man on the sofa.

He Yu queried, "Why are you standing? Come here."

Halting his motion to turn, Nan Yi looked at He Yu in surprise.

Those deep eyes calmly fixed on him, their emotions unreadable. Nan Yi's hands clenched, his fingertips turning slightly white.

Slowly, he approached and took a seat beside He Yu.

He Yu remained silent, making no move, to Nan Yi's silent relief.

Song Jing remarked, "He Yu, I heard from dad that you're going on a business trip?"

He Yu glanced at him and responded with a soft "Mhm."

After seating himself, Nan Yi didn't engage with the two but quietly pulled out his phone, engrossed in a long-followed manga.

Nan Yi loved manga, infatuated with the fictional characters.

The person beside him sat quietly, head lowered, displaying a delicate and fair neck. Merely observing seemed to evoke the scent of sweet candy.

A shadow passed over He Yu's eyes.

Song Jing silently watched where He Yu's gaze landed, his face darkening as he clenched his teeth.

"How many days will you be gone?" he asked, a hint of sweetness in his voice tinged with reluctance.

He Yu: "A week."

As He Yu spoke, his eyes remained on the young omega beside him.

Seeing no reaction from Nan Yi, his gaze darkened further.

The previously lounging figure stood up, prompting a puzzled look from Nan Yi.

"Go pack."

Lost in He Yu's inscrutable eyes, Nan Yi, a touch slower in his response, pointed at himself questioningly.

Was He Yu asking him to pack for him?

Song Jing interjected, "Let me do it, He Yu. Mr. Nan isn't familiar with your preferences."

"He can learn. I don't keep idlers around."

Nan Yi looked up, taken aback, and the room was submerged in heavy silence.

Seeing Nan Yi still unmoving after a few moments, He Yu clicked his tongue in annoyance, roughly pulling him up.

"Leave that out."

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now