Chapter 6

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"Hey did you hear what happened yesterday?"

"That Hikigaya kid stopped a villain at the market yesterday."

"Yeah, my mom was there when it happened."

"I heard he beat up the there villain really good and that villain has a firearm quirk. That Hikigaya kid is lucky to have a powerful quirk."

I ignored the hushed whispers coming from my schoolmates as Nejirei and I headed to our classroom, where the gossip is a lot more audible and harder to avoid.

As the classroom door slid open the noise in the classroom went dead quiet as if the school principal walked in.

Next thing I know, I was being surrounded by my classmates.

"Hikigaya-san, was it scary when you confronted that villain?" One of my classmated asked.

"Yeah, it was." I replied, looking at my classmate with a cat-like mouth.

"Was All Might there?" A common All Might fan asked.

"No, but All Arms was." Nejire answered the girl with night vision quirk.

This earned a laugh from some of my classmates but they still asked question. One of them got my attention.

"What did it feel when you beat up that villain?" A short girl with Magnetic Marker asked.

I looked at her and bowed, surprising everyone, including Nejire.

"First off, I'd like to t-thank you for having a quirk like yours, if I didn't have a copy of yours I don't know how that hostage situation would've ended up." I said to my classmate, making her smile.

"And to answer your question, I didn't beat up that villain but I was really angry because he took my imouto hostsge."

Reason why I am not ignoring them, was because I don't wanna look like a snob and get another rumor of me being one. It's not just gonna affect me but might also affect Nejire by proxy, which I'd rather not take any chances with.

Also, a little part of me that I kept denying is savouring this moment. Even though I know deep inside that this brief popularity won't last. It is only a matter of time before they get used to my childish charm and focus their attention to the dead-fish eyes that I always see in the mirror every day instead.

"Hado-chan... Can you share your boyfriend?"

I looked the girls who asked that with a deadpan expression on my face.

I'm just not gonna say anything. I refuse to be the tsukkomi of this segment. And especially refuse to faceplant.

This is not a comedy! This is real life! Why do you guys suddenly ask these kind of random stupid question all of a sudden!?

Is this really an isekai life that I get a harem as a side dish of this weirdness?

"Sorry, I don't approve of you guys!" Nejire answe- why the hell would you answer them like that!? Just a simple 'no' would suffice, woman!

"Lucky bastard..." came the jealous whispers of the boys at the back, making my eye twitch.

"Ano... can everyone take a seat?" Came the voice of our homeroom teacher, Mr. Toshizo.

With a wild scramble everyone is back on their seat in ten seconds.

Satisfied, Mr. Toshizo went ahead with the roll call.

Feeling an elbow tap lightly against mine I looked I heard Nejire whispered.

"I'm serious with earlier, Hachi-kun. I don't approve of them."

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