Chapter 8

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"Oi oi... isn't a bit early for this?" Takeyama said as she regarded the pair of nerds sitting on a table in her part-time workplace, faces glued to their phones.

"It's raid day, Takeyama-sempai. You wouldn't understand!" Nejire replied, not even sparing her senior a single glance before turning to the person sitting in front of her. "Ne, Hachi-kun? Think we can take him?" She asked.

"I brought Gramps, I say we got this!" Hachiman confidently replied.

"Which Gramps?" Nejire asked as she looked at the team set up on her phone, noticing Hachiman's blank character slot.

"Dark Souls Gramps." Hachiman said with a grin, which Nejire copied after seeing his character appear on the screen.

"Ooooohhhh yeah we got this~!" Nejire said.

Takeyama cleared her throat, "Are you two going to order or not?"

"Eggs, bacon and toast with a side of orange juice. Over easy on the eggs, please." Hachiman said to her before turning his attention back to his phone.

"Pancakes, sunny side up eggs and bacons with orange juice please, sempai~!" Nejire followed next.

"Right... be back in a few minutes." With an annoyed sigh at the two's obvious early morning date, Takeyama left the two in peace.

"Ah, you got the spammer witch I see... good choice." Hachiman complimented.

"Yeah, I don't wanna use Ushi-chan for this. She's still too low-leveled for this one and she'll get bullied." Nejire replied as she went to work on the raid once it started.

"That's alright, better than you bringing out red axe here. Guy's gonna die from a sneeze." Hachiman said, making Nejire giggle.

After a successful raid the two put away their phones.

"So, you ready for tomorrow?" Hachiman started.

Nejire cutely tilted her head a bit to the side "Most of my stuff are packed. Just need to buy some swimsuit when we go to the beach." Nejire happily said.

"Erk." Hachiman choked on his saliva when he heard that.

Being a veteran in anime tropes he is already aware of what will come later in the day.

A shopping episode with their bread and butter fanservice.

"How about you Hachi-kun? Do you have your swim trunks yet? You can join me so we can get yours and mine done in one go~!" Nejire said while flicking him a thumbs up.

Abount an hour later the two left the café and walked aimlessly around the town. During that time the two witnessed a hero apprehending a villain and another hero stopping a traffic accident. A pretty wild early morning for the two.

They stopped on a nearby playground to take a break from all their walking earlier. The two sat on the swings, idly pushing themselves forward and back while having a conversation.

"Say, Hachi-kun... have you thought about what hero school you're going to?" Nejire asked.

"Where did that came from?" Hachiman looked at her weirdly.

"Well Komachi-chan mentioned a few days ago that you're planning to become a pro-hero in the future. So are you going for U.A? Shiketsu? Or Ketsubutsu?" Nejire asked with eagerness in her tone.

"Eh, probably Shiketsu." Hachiman replied after thinking about it for a moment.

"Not U.A? Why?" Nejire wondered as she was planning to go U.A herself, due to it being the top Hero School in Japan and being one of the best in the world.

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