(Time Travel AU): Back From Work

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"We're back!" Mirabel called out as she, Camilo, and Luisa entered the house. Luisa threw her keys onto the nearby table and walked into the house. Mirabel and Camilo took off their work hats as they went inside. Both had just finished their shifts at the movie theater, and Luisa had luckily carpooled with them since she was coming back home from classes at the nearby college.

"Oh, hey! Where's Isabela and Dolores?" Julieta said, peeking from inside the kitchen, where Bruno was also at.

"Still at work," Camilo said, walking up the stairs. "I think Isabela gets off at 6 and Dolores at 5:30."

Mirabel slumped on the couch, where Antonio playing with a toy truck. She looked around. She didn't think she'd ever get used to this. It's been almost two years since they were transported. It was what, 1994? At least, that's what she could remember. Everything was so strange when they first came. Time traveling was a whole thing they still hadn't figured out. They still didn't know how to get back to their time, which was apparently, at least when they left, about 1948. Which was insane to her.

They were adjusting though. It was working out. Everyone had jobs to do, and gifts weren't a thing it seemed. Camilo and herself were in "high school", whatever that was. Even if they didn't know what it was, they picked it up fast and weren't half bad at it.

"Toñito, do you like it here?" Mirabel asked, looking at her primo, who paused, looking up at her.

"Yeah! They have animal shows on the TV," he said, before going back to playing. Mirabel nodded, standing up and heading to her room. If there was one thing she liked about being here, it was that she had her own room. Their house, Casita, was still intact just...updated. The house was still very much sentient as well.

But she couldn't help but miss her old life back in the Encanto...if they had ever left.

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